
Anger Over Anti-Immigrant Prejudice Fuels French Uprising After Police Killing
In a telling public statement, French police unions have characterized the protesters as “vermin” and “savage hordes.”

Immunity Doctrines Have Made the US Constitution Useless — It’s Time to End Them
Overlapping immunity doctrines insulate officials from the consequences of their actions, no matter how egregious.

Chicago Is Building a Police Torture Memorial, But Police Violence Continues
Survivors hope the memorial will ensure the Chicago Police Department's crimes will never be justified nor forgotten.

Stop Cop City Week of Action Showed Movement’s Strength Amid Rampant Repression
Police sought to repress and intimidate protesters during the week of action, but the movement only emerged stronger.

The State Is Increasingly Weaponized Against the Most Marginalized
DOJ investigations into white supremacists fell dramatically as those targeting “abortion-related” activism grew.

As Movements Like Stop Cop City Gain Power, Police Treat Free Speech as a Crime
This playbook has been used and reused, depending on the political winds of the time.

Atlanta’s Attack on Cop City Protesters Should Be a Warning to Us All
The fight against the militarized police training center dubbed “Cop City” is one of the great struggles of our time.

Private Equity Influence Is at the Heart of Cop City, Report Reveals
“Private equity is fully part of and fully profiting from the prison-industrial complex,” says coauthor of the report.

Criminalized Survivors Face Judgement and Abuse From Their Own Defense Attorneys
Criminalized survivors routinely encounter defense lawyers who are dismissive at best and abusive at worst.

DOJ: Rampant Violence, Racism in Minneapolis PD Led to George Floyd’s Murder
These patterns represent a litany of violations of the public’s constitutional rights, the report finds.