Occupy Wall Street on Trial: Cecily McMillan Convicted of Assaulting Cop, Faces Up to Seven Years
An Occupy Wall Street activist has been found guilty of assaulting a New York City police officer in a trial that critics say should have been about the police …
Cecily McMillan Verdict Proves Dissent Is Dangerous
The conviction of Occupy Wall Street protestor Cecily McMillan for assault on a police officer shows that the judiciary is corrupt and dissent will not be tolerated.
Wisconsin Passes Law Requiring Independent Investigations of Police Shootings
The law's passage is thanks to sustained pressure from the families of shooting victims.
The NSA Comes Home: Police Departments Conceal Phone Tracking Equipment From Courts
Police departments across the nation are concealing their use of cellphone tracking equipment from local courts.
William Rivers Pitt | Weaponized Cops and the Future of Freedom
It is hard to avoid the feeling that the tremendous arming of the police is inspired by the fear of unrest looming over the horizon, of rising seas, rising …
Jersey City Man Shot in the Face and Blinded by Police Faces 30 Years in Prison
The story of 18-year-old Kwadir Felton, shot in the face and blinded by Police Sergeant Thomas McVicar, then convicted of aggravated assault of an officer, repeats a too-familiar pattern.
Are Police Officers’ Body-Worn Cameras a Win for Accountability?
Questions remain about whether body-worn cameras will curb police violence.
The “Bounty” Police Force? Albuquerque Officers Face Protests, Probe Over Spate of Fatal Shootings
Outrage is growing in Albuquerque, New Mexico, after the latest incident in a spate of police shootings.
The Militarization of Our Police Forces
Militarization of our Police Forces u2013 An infographic by the team at
The Brennan Center Welcomes de Blasio Administration’s Pick for NYPD Inspector General
Today, the Commissioner of the Department of Investigations, Mark Peters, named Philip Eure as the first Inspector General for the New York City Police Department.