Human Rights
Women’s Work: Gender and the Global Food System
Women produce 60 to 80 percent of all food, both as subsistence farmers and as agricultural wage laborers.
“Bless Me, Ultima”: Movie Revisits Controversy, Succeeds, After 40 Years
Brown faces, magic of northern New Mexico's landscapes and Indo-Hispano culture in movie, Bless Me, Ultima, charm Roberto Rodriguez.
Resistance Fighter Stéphane Hessel Has Died
Resistance fighter, deportee, diplomat and co-author of the Declaration of Human Rights Stu00e9phane Hessel died during the night from Tuesday to Wednesday at the age of 95 years.
It’s 1948 Again – Wake Up!
A new poll found that when the voters didn't know which plan was whose, the policies that most voters preferred were those offered up by the Progressives Caucus in …
In Victory for Obama, House Backs Domestic Violence Law
The House voted on Thursday to pass the Senate's bipartisan reauthorization of the Violence Against Women Act, in a big victory for President Obama and Democrats in Congress.
How Do You Steal a Dream? Supreme Court hears suit to kill Voting Rights Act
Jim Crow is alive and well — and he has mounted a new attack on the law Martin Luther King dreamed of: the Voting Rights Act. On February 27, …
Voting Rights Law Draws Skepticism From Justices
A central provision of the Voting Rights Act of 1965 may be in peril.
Will the US Continue to Obstruct Justice for Duvalier’s Victims in Haiti?
The international community - including the US - must stand on the side of justice and the Haitian people.
Kazakhstan, a Human Rights Disaster, Hosts Iran Talks
Allen Ruff: Kazakhstan's brutal repression of workers and opposition ignored as it tries to play broker in the stand off between the US and Iran.
Christopher Dorner and the LAPD: America’s Native Sons
This evening I want to talk about Bigger Thomas. I'm teaching a course this semester entitled “Race and Existence,” in which I include the work of the ingenious African …