Community Takes Over Chicago School Closing Hearing
Chanting “Save our schools” and “No school closings,” several hundred parents, teachers and community members refused to let Chicago Public Schools officials speak during a public hearing on school …
Seattle’s Teacher Uprising: High School Faculty Faces Censure for Boycotting Standardized MAP Tests
Earlier this month, teachers at Garfield High School in Seattle, Washington, voted unanimously to stop administering a widely used standardized test, calling them wasteful and unfairly used to grade …
Online Education: Another Phony “Revolution“
Out-sourcing takes on a new dimension in education.
“It’s Not Going to be the Same”: The School Year After Hurricane Sandy
Students who were displaced by Sandy are still struggling to get their academic feet back on the ground.
Who’s Influencing Education Policy in Michigan? Part I
Teachers across America show up to their classrooms every morning to make a difference in the lives of millions of children. Despite amazing challenges, they remain committed to realizing …
Sticking to their Glocks
ANYBODY STILL hoping for a sensitive and serious national debate in the wake of the Newtown elementary school shootings probably hasn't heard that January 19 is Gun Appreciation Day. …
The “All of the Above” President
In the wake of the Newtown tragedy, President Obama called on Vice President Biden to come up with a ‘comprehensive’ plan to address gun violence and school safety. Putting …
Crazy for Guns
2012 made the record books for mass shootings in the United States, with seven incidents involving lone gunmen each murdering at least five people per spree. The grotesque Sandy …
Confessions of a Juiced Journalist
Before Congress creates yet another useless special investigation committee and subpoenas me, I wish to come clean and confess. I took steroids. Strong steroids. The kind that bulk you …
Team Obama Mastered the Science of Mass Persuasion – And Won
Each person got a score, and the scores drove the army of Obama volunteers' every move.