
Fossil Fuel Subsidies Are the Real Job Killers
How many lobbyists does it take to defend billions in subsidies for one of the most profitable industries in the world? 786. That’s the size of the army that oil and …

World Bank Supports Harmful Water Corporations, Report Finds
Water privatisation has been proven not to help the poor, yet a quarter of all World Bank funding goes directly to corporations and the private sector, bypassing both governments …

Economic Update: How Our Economic System Impacts Our Psychology
Truthout combats corporatization by bringing you trustworthy news: click here to join the effort. Economics Professor Richard D. Wolff and guests discuss the current state of the economy, both …

Growth of Income Inequality Is Worse Under Obama than Bush
Yesterday, the President gave a speech in which he demanded that Congress raise taxes on millionaires, as a way to somewhat recalibrate the nation's wealth distribution. His advisors, like …

White House Opens Door to Big Donors, and Lobbyists Come In
Last May, as a battle was heating up between Internet companies and Hollywood over how to stop online piracy, a top entertainment industry lobbyist landed a meeting at the …

In Barcelona, Austerity With an Iron Fist
Protesters in the streets of Madrid, Spain during the general strike on Thursday, March 29, 2012. (Photo: reed_sandridge) Criminalizing public meetings, expanding police powers and weaponry, and applying anti-terrorist …

Green Slime Drives Our Financial Crises
“Pink slime” just had its fifteen minutes of fame. BPI, the producer of pink slime, calls it “Lean Finely Textured Beef.” BPI’s slogan is “expect a higher standard.” Pink …

Rewriting the Rules of the Global Economy – Creating Economics That Improve People’s Lives
Deborah James has been a leader in the global movement for economic justice for decades. Today she serves as Director of International Programs at the Center for Economic and …

What’s in a Name? George W. Regrets Dubbing Those “Bush Tax Cuts“
When George W. Bush made his first public appearance in many months to discuss economic policy in New York on Tuesday, his utterances may have revealed more than he …

On the News With Thom Hartmann: Court Rules in Favor of Allowing Political Ads on Public Television, and More
In today's On the News segment: Multinational firms' tax loopholes are hurting small businesses, freak wildfires are resulting from our unseasonably warm spring weather, Pakistan demands end to US …