
Locking Down an American Workforce: Prison Labor as the Past and Future of American “Free-Market” Capitalism
Sweatshop labor is back with a vengeance. It can be found across broad stretches of the American economy and around the world. Penitentiaries have become a niche market for …

Student Loan Interest Rates Loom as Political Battle
President Obama begins an all-out push on Friday to get Congress to extend the low interest rate on federal student loans, White House officials said, an effort that is …

Jim Hightower and the “Populist Moment”
According to Jim Hightower, “even the smallest dog can lift its leg on the tallest building.” Progressive Texas populist author, commentator, and orator Hightower — perhaps our country's most …

Hang on to That Paycheck! ALEC “Sharpens Focus on Jobs“
This week the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) announced that it would disband its controversial “Public Safety and Elections Task Force” to "Sharpen its Focus on Jobs, Free Markets …

I’m Big Bird and I Don’t Approve This Message
A couple of weeks ago, we wrote about how the media giants who own your local commercial television and radio stations have been striking like startled rattlesnakes at an …

The Botox of Late-Stage Capitalism
As America’s Great Middle Class crumbles, the Rich are again grasping for every possible regulatory rollback and tax cut, all the better to fund some final bacchanal of late-stage …

Recovered Economic History: “Everyone but an Idiot Knows That the Lower Classes Must Be Kept Poor, or They Will Never Be Industrious“
“…everyone but an idiot knows that the lower classes must be kept poor, or they will never be industrious.” —Arthur Young; 1771 Our popular economic wisdom says that capitalism …

Rich Countries Seek to Block UN From Working on Global Finance Reforms
An important fight between rich countries and developing countries over the question of UN involvement in researching and advocating for a new global financial architecture has spilled into the …

The Transformation of Ben Bernanke
I've been rereading Larry Ball's impressive and disturbing what-happened-to-Ben-Bernanke analysis — an analysis that, I happen to know, has caused much consternation in some circles. ("Surely it can't be …

On the News With Thom Hartmann: House Passes Congressman Paul Ryan’s Budget for the Rich, and More
In today's On the News segment: The American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) dismantles its non-economic task forces, the House passed Congressman Paul Ryan's budget for the rich, more bad …