
Charter School Explosion: Follow the Money
Although Florida law prohibits charter schools from issuing bonds, Charter Schools USA has found a way.

Why “Can’t Make Ends Meet” Trumps “Poverty“
Poverty is structural, created by policies and practices that benefit some people at excruciating cost to others - particularly people of color and women.

The World Bank and the IMF Open Up Ukraine to Western Interests
Walking on the West Side exposes how the international financial institutions serve the interests of agribusiness corporations through deregulation of the food and agriculture sectors and policies favoring foreign …

A Top-Secret Agreement to Carve Up Public Services
The US, EU countries, and a score of other States have begun negotiations on trade in services in Geneva. Distinguishing mark: these dealings are to remain secret for five …

The Empire Economy Does Not Serve the Economy or People
As the lifecycle of empire wanes, rather than being a benefit to the home country, sustaining empire becomes more expensive than it is worth.

Paul Ryan Does Christmas in July
Once you get past the feel-good bipartisan hype, the truth is that this year's Paul Ryan excrescence in the form of his poverty plan is only a slight variation …

Inflation Mythology
The answer is that inflation paranoia isn't a simple misunderstanding that can be corrected by pointing to evidence.

Narcissists Gone Wild!
Excessive compensation can ruin a CEO's judgment.

You Can’t Taper a Ponzi Scheme: Time to Reboot
Despite the Dodd-Frank Act, the derivatives pyramid has continued to explode to a notional value now estimated to be as high as $2 quadrillion.

Finance in the United States: Promoting Inequality and Waste
The bloated financial sector in the United States is a major engine of inequality sucking money away from poor and middle income households.