
What Do Americans Think About Economic Inequality?
Surveys indicate that majorities of Americans recognize the wealth gap has grown and favor greater economic equality.

Economist Richard Wolff on Roots of Greek Crisis, Debt Relief and Rise of Anti-Capitalism in Europe
What does this mean for the global economy?

Greek Voters Overwhelmingly Reject Creditors’ Austerity Demand
Greek voters have turned down the terms of an international bailout in a historic rejection of austerity.

David Graeber on a Fair Future Economy
David will consider what it would take to conceive and build a flourishing and fair future economy.

On the News With Thom Hartmann: Legal Case Threatens Unions’ Fair Share Fees, and More
Republicans just got one step closer to turning our nation into a right to work for LESS paradise.

John Repp on the Promise of Public Banking in Seattle
In 2008, a group of Washington state residents began advocating for a state-sponsored public bank.

Economic Update: Class and Socialism
This episode explores the different meanings of class, and more.

Job Growth Slows in June
There is still little evidence of any acceleration of wage growth.

Plans Proceed to Extract Oil and Gas From Bolivia’s National Parks
Bolivian President Evo Morales escalates the stakes in the debate over extractivism as an anti poverty strategy.

As Greece Heads for Default, Citizens Prepare to Vote in Pivotal Referendum on More Austerity
Greece will hold a vote this Sunday on whether to accept an austerity package of budget cuts and tax hikes in exchange for new loans.