
Breast Cancer Patient Arrested for Protesting TPP: “This Is Price Gouging at the Cost of Lives”
One sticking point on the TPP had been the so-called death sentence clause, extending drug company monopolies on medicines.

On the News With Thom Hartmann: The Corporate Elite Rig the System Against Us, and More
We need more than talk to narrow the great divide between the haves and have-nots.

Economic Update: The Meanings of Class
This episode provides updates on car insurance ripoffs, and more.

Greek Collective Critiques Consumption Amid Crisis
The film is about Skoros, a Greek anti-consumerist collective, solidarity and the joys of doing things differently.

Janet Yellen Shows the Need for a 4 Percent Unemployment Target
The Fed should require solid evidence that inflation poses a threat before it tries to slow the economy.

On the News With Thom Hartmann: The 2016 Race Will Likely Set a Campaign Spending Record, and More
Outside spending groups have flooded the 2016 race with more than $25 million.

Why Is Lobbyist Rick Berman Attacking Chipotle?
The PR man 60 Minutes dubbed “Dr. Evil” launched a new ad campaign against Chipotle.

Economic Update: Puerto Rico as the United States’ Greece
This episode provides updates on homeless school children, and more.

Brazil Needs New Economic Program to Jump-Start Growth and Employment
Austerity is not working in Brazil any more than it has been working in Europe.

Fighting Stubborn Poverty Numbers
The US Census Bureau announced last week that the poverty rate in 2014 remained virtually unchanged from 2013.