
A Tale of Two Retirements
One hundred CEOs have as much in retirement assets as 41 percent of American families.

On the News With Thom Hartmann: We Spend 90 Times More on the Military Than on Head Start, and More
The FEC fails to update rules and regulate election spending.

Economic Inequality in the US: Land of Inopportunity
The socioeconomic class you are in significantly impacts what opportunities you have access to.

The Sharing Economy Is Booming in Helsinki: Here’s Why
Today's sharing scene in Helsinki is the product of a strange alchemy between an excellent education system and high rates of unemployment.

How Will We Reach an Ecological Civilization and Who Will Build It?
Capitalism, by its nature, cannot respond in a timely manner to the global ecological crisis. Only a social movement can.

Economic Update: Teaching High School Economics
This episode provides updates on abuse of tax havens, and more.

Postal Banks Are People’s Banks: Six Things to Know About Postal Banking
To make postal banking happen requires a broad, mass coalition willing to keep pushing the issue regardless of the outcome of the 2016 elections.

Nobel Laureate Joseph Stiglitz on “Rewriting the Rules of the American Economy”
One of the nation's leading economists is calling for a comprehensive overhaul of the US economy.

On the News With Thom Hartmann: Why the Media Refuse to Talk About the TPP, and More
The TPP was hugely overlooked in both the Democratic and GOP debates.

Swimming With the Debt Sharks
In the US, all debtors are not created equal. The depth of that inequality emerged after the 2008 crash.