
Economic Update: Transcending Capitalism
This episode provides updates on on transcending capitalism via worker cooperatives, and more.

When Government Was the Solution
A small city of Stevens Point is an argument for what government can do when it is committed to serving the needs of the common people.

On the News With Thom Hartmann: Credit Checks Are Discriminatory, and More
In today's On the News segment: Using credit scores to deny people homes or work is simply wrong; Marco Rubio thinks that women don't need a law mandating equal …

A Big Fat Radioactive Lie
Billionaires are hyping nuclear power as a magic cure for climate change.

Economic Update: Austerity’s Social Costs
This episode provides updates on Portugal joining Greece against austerity, and more.

The Rise of the Illegitimate Authority of Transnational Corporations
Everywhere you look you find masses, droves, gangs of unelected, unaccountable, profit-oriented individuals, corporations and new institutions surfacing, making official policy.

The TPP State of Play: How We Defeat the Largest Trade Deal in History
This state of play will be useful as we work to defend our digital rights against the largest trade deal in history.

On the News With Thom Hartmann: Institutional Racism Is Still a Problem in the US, and More
The racial makeup of neighborhoods in Baltimore is “the most significant predictor of whether a [mortgage] loan gets made.”

Economic Update: Big vs. Small Business
This episode provides updates on Japan's Recession, and more.

The “Sharing Economy” Is the Problem
The cooperative economy is the solution.