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Harvest of Empire, Part 2

On part two of the ‘Harvest of Empire’ series, Democracy Now!u2019s Juan Gonzalez traces the history of Nicaraguan and Salvadoran migration to the United States.

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It’s not just jobs and prosperity that draw immigrants to the United States. Many Latin Americans were brought here, or forced to come by dangerous or deadly conditions-which the US often helped create. On this edition, part two of “Harvest of Empire” a documentary film written and narrated by Democracy Now’s Juan Gonzalez. Today, in excerpts from the film, Gonzalez traces the history of Nicaraguan and Salvadoran migration to the United States.

Also See: Harvest of Empire, Part 1


Juan Gonzalez, Democracy Now co-host and Harvest of Empire author; Anastosio “Tachito” Somoza, former Nicaraguan president; Maria Hinojosa, journalist; Robert White, former US Ambassador; Sister Pat Murray, former missionary in Central America; Luis Enrique; Grammy Award winning singer and composer; Father Roy Bourgeois, School of the Americas Watch founder; Maria Guardado, Salvadoran immigrant and torture survivor; Sister Terry Alexander, Maryknoll missionary; John F. Kennedy, Jimmy Carter & Ronald Reagan, former presidents of the United States; Dan Rather & Tom Brokaw, TV news anchor; Melvin Goodman, Former CIA division chief.

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