
NOW | Environmentalist Conrad Anker
Two men on a remarkable journey high in the Himalayas investigate threats to global water and food supply. Next on NOW.

The Rainmakers
Banking on private prisons in the fleecing of small-town America. The sleepy town of Hardin, Mont., began its foray into the private prison industry in 2004, an adventure that …

“The Hurt Locker” Wins; Iraq Loses
The movie, “The Hurt Locker,” won six Oscars, including Best Picture, for its portrayal of an Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) Unit in Iraq. The drama about the movie, however, …

Doris “Granny D” Haddock, American Patriot
Doris “Granny D” Haddock left us on Wednesday after a century of life lived to the utmost. Hailing from an era that told women to sit down and shut …

Senate Passes Jobs Bill With Bipartisan Vote
Washington - The Senate Wednesday passed a $137.9 billion package aimed at helping jobless people get more benefits and businesses to hire more workers, but only after controversy about …

At Senate Hearing, Lawmakers Deconstruct Citizens United Ruling
The Senate Judiciary Committee held a hearing Wednesday about possible legislative responses to the Citizens United case, which struck down several longstanding prohibitions on corporate political contributions. Many senators …

Jim Hightower | Stiffening the Backbones of Democrats
You know what we need to juice up the performance of our weak economy? Viagra. Yes, America needs a new Viagra, specifically targeted to stiffen backbones — in particular, …

Connie Schultz | Sarah Palin’s Novel Life
When Sarah Palin was a little girl, her family crossed the border from Alaska into Canada for the quality health care they couldn't get back home. This was in …

Obama Administration Shifts Gears on Iran Sanctions
With Congress moving inexorably toward passage of new US sanctions on Iran, the Obama administration is changing its tack: In place of an earlier desire to stall passage while …

Requiem for a Hummer
Dearly beloved, we are gathered here to bid farewell to a giant, one whose demise has been recorded around the world, such was the impact of this icon of …