How Easy Is It for Peaceful People to Violate the Patriot Act?
Last month, the Supreme Court exposed Americans to jail sentences of up to 15 years just for giving advice to groups the U.S. government considers untouchable. In Holder v. …
Is it Almost Over? BP Will Try to Stop Oil Flow Next Week
Washington - In a dramatic turn of events, the Obama administration has given BP the go-ahead to remove the containment cap atop the runaway Deepwater Horizon oil well and …
Six Lessons from the BP Oil Spill
What the tragedy of the BP oil spill has taught us about regulations, technology, and how our energy diet must change. Boston - For years to come, the United …
Robert Naiman | On Afghanistan, Michael Steele Speaks for Me
My friend David told me once that growing up in the South, he had the experience of people saying to him, “Jews are greedy,” before “correcting” themselves by “reassuring” …
Icelandic Parliament Strengthens Protections for Journalists and Whistleblowers
The Icelandic Modern Media Initiative is the first major step in a push towards transparency. On June 15th, Icelandic Parliamentarians unanimously approved a resolution that contains some …
Petraeus for McChrystal: Lipstick on a Pig
The Senate voted unanimously to confirm Gen. David Petraeus to replace fired Gen. Stanley McChrystal to lead the International Security Assistance Force in Afghanistan. General Petraeus stepped down as …
“Well-Oiled” 5th Circuit Panel Rejects Emergency Stay of Injunction Against Drilling Moratorium
A three judge panel of the heavily-Republican 5th Circuit Court of Appeals in New Orleans rejected the Department of Interior's (DOI) request for an emergency stay of Judge Martin …
Threatening World Order: US and Israel Quietly Announce Plans to Reconstitute Their Nuclear Stockpiles
The world looks like it's about to become a more dangerous place. A recent report from Israel's newspaper Haaretz finds that the United States is moving forward with plans …
Emptier Prisons: Inmate Population Drops for First Time in 40 Years
Cranston, R.I. - Three years ago, Rhode Island's prisons were straining to house the state's booming inmate population. With cells overflowing and bed space maxed out, dozens of inmates …
Protesters, Waxman Urge Clinton to Vote No on Tar Sands Pipeline
Washington - Sweltering heat was not enough to keep away the 60 to 70 protesters who pulled on “Oil Spill Prevention Team” t-shirts over their already-damp clothing. For the …