Google Teams Up With CIA to Fund Monitoring Startup (2)
Investors at the CIA and Google are backing a company called “Recorded Future” that monitors tens of thousands of websites, blogs and Twitter accounts in real time in order …
Connie Schultz | Give the Kids a Healthy Start
Last year, Congress attempted to strike a blow for America's children by ordering a slew of agencies and departments to recommend standards for food advertising that targets kids.
Google Teams Up With CIA to Fund Monitoring Startup
Investors at the CIA and Google are backing a company called “Recorded Future” that monitors tens of thousands of websites, blogs and Twitter accounts in real time in …
Should Uncle Sam Attend For-Profit Schools?
The late-night infomercial time slot is typically reserved for products people later regret buying — ab rollers, Ginsu knife sets, bad classic-rock compilations. Higher education hardly seems to fit.
Controversy Highlights Plight of Black, and White, Farmers
Atlanta, Georgia - The controversial firing of an African-American federal government employee over comments misconstrued to be racist has refocused attention on the plight of black farmers in the …
Oil-Soaked Waste Worries Gulf Coast Landfills’ Neighbors
Mount Vernon, Ala. — At a sprawling landfill some 50 miles from the oil-spotted coastline, trash bags brimming with tar balls, oil-soaked boom, sand, and tangles of sea grass …
Oil-soaked Waste Worries Gulf Coast Landfills’ Neighbors (2)
Mount Vernon, Alaska — At a sprawling landfill some 50 miles from the oil-spotted coastline, trash bags brimming with tar balls, oil-soaked boom, sand, and tangles of sea grass …
A “Welfare Queen” Answers Back
Personal attacks on freelance author and editor Francine Almash's use of subsidized daycare provoked her consideration of the social implications for all of us. Recently, a friend …
Afghanistan: In Marjah, US Forces Battle for Hearts and Minds
Combat Outpost Coutu, Afghanistan — The stomach turning “thud” of an exploding homemade bomb on a recent hot July afternoon blew into the small villages and across the wheat …
News in Brief: Iraq Combat Phase to “End,” but Troops Remain, and More
Iraq Combat Phase to “End,” but Troops Remain