Unemployment Falls to 9.7 Percent, but Private Sector Job Growth Slows
Excluding Census workers, job growth has just kept pace with the growth in the labor force over the last 3 months.
Endangered Species Act: Noah’s Ark or Titanic?
It's heart breaking and enraging to witness the toxic assault being visited upon the wildlife and the people of the Gulf. Heart-breaking because, as a SCUBA diver, I have …
Inside Hungary’s Anti-Semitic Right Wing
Jobbik supporters: young, web-savvy, history majors? Budapest, Hungary - From the looks of its leafy, downtown campus, Budapest's Karoli Gaspar University appears an unlikely venue to hatch a racist, …
Japan’s Next Leader?
Tokyo, Japan – Following Wednesday’s resignation by Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama after only eight months in office, his successor – to be chosen Friday – looks set to be …
Alexander Cockburn | Pariah Nation
As the TV networks give unlimited airtime to its apologists, the message rolls out that Israel is permitted every illegal act in the lexicon of international law, from acts …
Third World Diplomatic Cooperation and the Future of US Empire in the Middle East
Last week, Brazilian President Lula da Silva and Turkish Prime Minister Reccep Erdogan announced a breakthrough agreement on the Iranian nuclear impasse that they claimed would make further sanctions …
Winslow Meyers | Kissinger’s Truth
One of the most fascinating phenomena in the lives of public servants is the difference between what they permit themselves to say while in harness and what they can …
Eugene Robinson | BP’s Mr. Sunshine
Washington - How is it possible that BP chief executive Tony Hayward hasn't been fired? At this point, how can anyone believe a word the man says? If he …
Respect Immigrants, Deport BP
My family and I joined tens of thousands in the streets of Phoenix this weekend to march against SB 1070 and for the human rights of immigrants in America. …
Ruth Marcus | Not a Job for Angry Daddy
Washington - The presidency is not a play in two acts. The disaster in the Gulf is not six characters in search of a leader. So why the coverage …