Alexander Cockburn | The Empire Strikes Back
The WikiLeaks sites have vanished — though more than 1,400 mirror sites still carry the disclosures. Amazon, Visa, MasterCard, PayPal and the organization's Swiss bank have shut it down, …
Spotlight Cancún: Kyoto Protocol Post Mortem
This week the world stands by as international negotiators in Cancun appear to be writing the post mortem for the Kyoto Protocol. It seems likely that an alternative track …
This is What a Tea Party Looks Like
However they felt about Barack Obama’s presidential campaign two years ago, activists on the Left agreed about one thing: any real gains to be made under an Obama presidency …
Alexander Cockburn And Vince Warren: Prosecuting WikiLeaks
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“Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” Repeal Fails in Senate
The Senate failed to pass a repeal of the “Don't Ask, Don't Tell” (DADT) policy on Thursday. The 57-40 vote stopped just short of the 60 necessary to lift …
News in Brief: UN Climate Talks Plagued With Familiar Problems, and More
UN Climate Talks Plagued With Familiar Problems
Ireland Stuck in a Vicious Circle, With No Real Exit in Sight
Clearly, the European Union's bailout of Ireland has not reassured the markets, which are still shaky as the nation's borrowing costs continue to climb. It's hard to escape the …
House Democrats Oppose Tax Deal
In a private meeting, House Democrats voted on a nonbinding resolution this morning to reject President Obama's tax deal in its current form. The resolution was introduced by Rep. …
Haiti Election Fiasco: Chickens Come Home to Roost
Haiti is on edge after Haiti's election council announced preliminary results in the November 28 election, which even the US Embassy has questioned: