Pay No Attention to the Man Behind the Curtain
It is the climactic scene. Dorothy and her friends stand before the great Wizard of Oz. Toto wanders off and yanks back a curtain to reveal a man busy …
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Where the Cancun Climate Conference Leaves Us
There is no reliable scientific assessment on just where we are vis-à-vis global climate destabilization. We can do better by acting on clear trends and options. Climate computer models …
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Ezra Klein | Tax Cutters for Truth: Decoding a Strange Bipartisan Deal
In Washington last week the temperature dipped into the 20s, which is evidently the point when hell freezes over. President Obama reached an agreement with the Republican Senate leader, …
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E.J. Dionne, Jr. | The Specter Haunting Obama
Washington - American decline is the specter haunting our politics. This could be President Obama's undoing — or it could provide him with the opportunity to revive his presidency. …
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My Journey Into Kivalina v. ExxonMobil et al
In 2008, a small Inupiat village in Alaska sued ExxonMobil and 23 other fossil fuel companies including Peabody Energy and BP for contributing to the destruction of their homeland, …
Domesticated Deities
About Messiahs Come to Redeem Our Country, Not Govern It (and Don’t Forget Marilyn and Elvis and Jackie O and Diana and Oprah and Brangelina and David Hasselhoff) …
Hawaii’s Legal Case Against the United States
“You can't spend what you ain't got; you can't lose what you ain't never had.” – Muddy Waters "How long do we have to stay in Bosnia, how long …
Who Wanted What?
Look, I’m familiar with the argument for the tax cut deal. It’s not a terrible argument. In simple form, it goes, the top priorities are to stimulate the economy …
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Spotlight Cancun: Kyoto Protocol Post Mortem (2)
This week the world stands by as international negotiators in Cancun appear to be writing the post mortem for the Kyoto Protocol. It seems likely that an alternative track …