Democracy on Hold in Benton Harbor
A homemade sign in Southwest Michigan. (Photo: Ryan Harvey) Michigan emergency financial management law “a violation of constitution,” say residents. While the country watched the …
Our Brave New Budget Dystopia
(Photo: funky pancake/Flickr) As Congress members return from recess this week and resume their budget battles, I hope they will be meek, cautious and circumspect. I hope …
House Budget Memo to Senate: Listen to the People
When the debate over the fiscal 2012 budget began, the country — or, more accurately, the media — was focused on Rep. Paul Ryan's (R-Wis.) proposal. Introduced on behalf …
Rep. Barbara Lee Renews Calls for End to Afghan War After Killing of Osama bin Laden (Video)
In September 2001, Rep. Barbara Lee was the only lawmaker in either chamber of Congress to vote against the 2001 resolution authorizing the use of force in Afghanistan. Today …
Military Academics Block Degree for Author Criticizing Afghan War
Deepak Tripathi's most recent book, “Breeding Ground: Afghanistan and the Origins of Islamist Terrorism” (Potomac Books), raises several issues, both within and outside of its content. It is based …
President Obama Produces Another Certificate
Advisers Counsel President to Veto Bill Restricting Abortion Funds
The House is scheduled to vote tomorrow on HR 3, a bill that will provide additional bans on abortion funding, including removing tax credits for any insurance plan that …
All Hail the PUBLIC Library
“The word ‘public’ has been removed from the name of the Fort Worth Library. Why? Simply put, to keep up with the times.” —From the Media release on the …
Bin Laden Provoked a US “War on Terror” That Strengthened His Movement
The killing of Osama bin Laden is being celebrated by the US media and government officials who spin it as one of the most important events since September 11, …
Are Republicans in Tennessee on the Verge of Legalizing Bribery
Also See: Thom Hartmann | The People's Masters