
New Book Exposes Koch Brothers’ Guide to Infiltrating the Media
The book brings to light many tactics that the Koch brothers and other like-minded millionaires and billionaires have used over the years.

Noam Chomsky Wants You to Wake Up From the American Dream
A lot can be done, Chomsky tells us, if people will only choose to do it.

Revealing the Fallacy of White Knight Philanthropic Salvation in an Urban Public School
Anthropologist Amy Brown uncovers the ways race and class are manipulated to raise money at one New York City high school.

“Aferim!” Explores the Cross-Generational Transmission of Cultural Bigotry
The film follows a 19th century policeman's search for an escaped Romani slave, exposing the hateful cultural morals of the time.

The Newspaper That Transformed Black America – and the Course of History
How an ambitious migrant came to Chicago and changed history with the power of journalism.

How “The Big Short” Shorts Audiences Hoping to Understand the 2008 Financial Crisis
“The Big Short” dramatizes the 2008 financial crisis and attempts to make viewers sympathize with its primary beneficiaries.

Using Racist Memorabilia to Teach Tolerance
“Understanding Jim Crow” is David Pilgrim's story of turning racist memorabilia into tools for promoting social justice.

Site-Specific Dance by Former-Prisoners Prompts Talk on Mass Incarceration and Arts Rehabilitation
Well Contested Sites draws on the experiences and physical memories of prison.

“Creed” Reveals Filmmaker Ryan Coogler’s Womanist Sensibilities
In Ryan Coogler's “Creed,” the Black women characters exist as rounded individuals independent of the titular male lead.

“Spotlight” Celebrates Heroes of Investigative Reporting – and Democracy
The movie “Spotlight” is a celebration of investigative journalism and a reminder that it could be a dying art.