
Statement by the President on Certification of Repeal of Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell
(Photo: Lawrence Jackson / White House) Today, we have taken the final major step toward ending the discriminatory ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell’ law that undermines our military readiness …

Praising the Hostage Takers: Will Obama Ever Hold the Republicans Accountable?
President Barack Obama holds a town hall event at the University of Maryland on July 22, 2011. (Photo: Stephen Crowley / The New York Times) Will Obama …

Gang of Six Plan Would Raise Taxes on Low-Income Workers
The chained Consumer Price Index (CPI), a provision included in the Gang of Six's deficit reduction package, raises taxes on low- and moderate-income workers, according to a recent report …

Defaulting to Big Government
Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) speaks about President Barack Obama's push for a bipartisan solution to the debt ceiling in Washington on July 19, 2011. (Photo: Philip Scott …

The European Monetary Union is the Titanic
In the past, I have called the euro zone a “roach motel”. But as usual, I've been outdone in the metaphor design department by the Italians: Guilio Tremonti, the …

Will Iraqi Commandos Trained by US Be Turned Into Another Republican Guard?
“Anxiety Hovers Over Iraqi Commandos” reads the title of Tim Arango's July 13 “Baghdad Bureau” post in the New York Times. When one reflects back on all the suicide …

US Health Care Problems Rooted in Private Sector, Despite Right-Wing Claims
A recent report by McKinsey and Company was seized upon by opponents of health care reform to create a new myth: that President Obama’s health insurance reform (the 2010 …

Ray McGovern to Governor Brown on Prisons
Dear Governor Brown, I'm thinking that the Jesuits who educated you probably told you, as they did me, that Ignatius of Loyola required all Jesuits, including the …

Murdoch in the Morning, Part II: Watching Fox
What follows is a blow-by-blow breakdown of my Thursday with Fox News.

Facing Up to the Real Cost of Carbon
Your house might not burn down next year. So you could probably save money by cancelling your fire insurance. That's a “bargain” that few homeowners would accept. …