
Watch Obama Press Conference Live at 11 AM ET

Make My Day
Those words suggest President Obama has had it up to here with the preening and posturing of Republican “negotiators” who won't negotiate. Who could blame him? Obama's …

Mistakes Repeated Through Superstition and Prejudice
Dwellers in Circleville's “Hooverville,” central Ohio (credit: Ben Shahn, 1938). I recently picked up a copy of Lionel Robbins’s 1934 book “The Great Depression” in a used …

The Chessmaster Cometh?
President Barack Obama meets with Congressional leaders, including Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Kentucky), in the White House to discuss ongoing efforts to cut the federal deficit, in Washington, …

The President’s Jobs Plan (Not)
What did the President do in response to last week’s horrendous job report — unemployment rising to 9.2 percent in June, with only 18,000 new jobs (125,000 are needed …

Austerity Measures’ Real-Life Abuse of US Children
In a 1973 short story, “The Ones Who Walk Away from Omelas,” fantasy writer Ursula Le Guin describes a peculiar city where the inhabitants' prosperity depends entirely upon the …

Will North America Be the New Middle East?
The climate problem has moved from the abstract to the very real in the last 18 months. Instead of charts and graphs about what will happen someday, we’ve got …

Obama Can’t Celebrate Yet
Washington - The wounded are especially dangerous fighters. President Obama now occupies the high ground in the debt-ceiling debate, having called the Republicans' bluff on the debt. He showed …

The GOP’s Sick Priorities
How deceptive for politicians to stress “entitlements” when they talk about gutting Social Security and Medicare, two programs long paid for by their beneficiaries. The Republicans make it sound …

Who Killed the Bluebird of Happiness?
Economists and politicians keep their fingers on the pulse of the Dow Jones Average, following every tick of this narrow measure of Wall Street wealth. But the …