The Heart of a Lion: Botswana’s Bushmen Celebrate 5 Years On
‘The lion and I are brothers,’ a Gwi Bushman from Botswana told a Survival International representative when he was evicted from his ancestral home in the Central Kalahari Game …
A Man in Tunisia, a Movement on Wall Street, and the Soldier Who Ignited the Fuse
Protesters chant slogans against the political party of former President Zine el-Abedine Ben Ali in Sidi Bouzid, Tunisia, on January 21, 2011. The city was where Mohamed Bouazizi, a …
The European Central Bank Fear Factor
The European Central Bank in Frankfurt, Germany. (Photo: slolee) Panic is beginning to overwhelm the eurozone. Italy and Spain are caught in the maelstrom. Belgium is slipping …
How China and America Can Work Together to Solve Climate Crisis
Announcing: Debt-for-Nature Coalition for US and China (DNCUSC, or DNC) So you thought, "we're screwed. The UN Climate Change Conference talks in Durban were a pre-ordained failure, and no …
JPMorgan Chase Greedwashes Reputation With “American Giving Awards“
As the New York Times media reporter, Brian Stelter, noted on Saturday, December 9, NBC agreed to broadcast a two-hour television show fully funded and sponsored by JPMorgan Chase …
An Offer to the President
Mr. President, we heard what you said last week in Kansas – about the dangers to our economy and democracy of the increasing concentration of income and wealth at …
Fragile and Unbalanced in 2012
New York - The outlook for the global economy in 2012 is clear, but it isn’t pretty: recession in Europe, anemic growth at best in the United States, and …
Media Justice and the 99 Percent Movement
It all started with one message posted on a blog on July 13, 2011. The magazine Adbusters, a not-for-profit, reader-supported, 120,000-circulation magazine that combats corporate consumerism, issued a call: …
Reform vs Revolution Within Occupy
Many Occupiers have expressed a valid concern over the Obama campaign attempting to hijack the Occupy movement. To avoid this pitfall some Occupiers advocate more radical methods, ideas and …
Unemployment Slamming Public Employees
The latest job reports show that public employees, those favorite targets of Republicans and other government budget slashers, are being hit particularly hard by the country's severe unemployment …