
Meet Dave Carney, Rick Perry’s Karl Rove-Like Political Guru
Washington - Dave Carney, the architect behind Texas Gov. Rick Perry's spectacular political rise, first in Texas and then in entering the presidential race, is facing scrutiny for the …

Judge Delays Blagojevich Sentencing Indefinitely
Chicago - Rod R. Blagojevich, the former governor of Illinois who tried to sell President Obama’s Senate seat, has waited three months to learn his fate after being convicted …

Occupy Wall Street Protesters Driven by Varying Goals
Reporting from New York - Michael Moore and Susan Sarandon have dropped in. A seasoned diplomat dispenses free advice. Supporters send everything from boxes of food and clothes to …

US-Born Qaeda Leader Killed in Yemen
Sana, Yemen - A missile fired from an American drone aircraft in Yemen on Friday killed Anwar al-Awlaki, the radical American-born cleric who was a leading figure in Al …

Ohio’s Anti-Union Law Jeopardizes Public Safety With Depleted Staff, Slower Response Times
In March, Ohio Gov. John Kasich (R) signed an overwhelmingly unpopular anti-union bill into law that stripped the state’s employees of almost all of their collective bargaining rights. While …

“Occupy Wall Street” Protest Links Up With Locked-Out Teamsters
Expanding their reach beyond the confines of Wall Street, a dozen activists from the ongoing Occupy Wall Street action disrupted an art auction at Sotheby’s last week. …

On the News With Thom Hartmann: Montana Follows Vermont’s Lead on Path to State-Level Single-Payer Health Care, and More
In today's On the News segment: Montana follows Vermont's lead on path to state-level single-payer system, Republican attacks on reproductive rights continue in a new request for 12 years …

Companies Use Immigration Crackdown to Turn a Profit
The men showed up in a small town in Australia’s outback early last year, offering top dollar for all available lodgings. Within days, their company, Serco, was flying in …

Border Patrol Abuses on the Rise
Phoenix, Arizona - The number of apprehensions of undocumented immigrants on the U.S.-Mexico border has dropped, but reports of abuses against immigrants are on the rise. …

State Department Considered Two-Year Keystone Pipeline Delay—Briefly
In June of 2010, in the midst of the BP Gulf oil disaster, someone deep in the bowels of the U.S. State Department was considering a two-year delay in …