Congress’ Year-End List of Unfinished Business Likely to Remain Long
Congress' to-do list for the rest of the year has it all: billions of budget dollars.
Forced Guilty Pleas in Drug Cases: Threat of Draconian Sentences Means Few Willing to Risk Trial
Since drug defendants rarely prevail at trial, it is not surprising that 97 percent of them decide to plead guilty.
California Ships Prisoners Out of State to “Reduce” Its Prison Population
In response to a Supreme Court mandate to reduce its penitentiary population, California is shipping prisoners to private correctional facilities in other states.
November Job Growth Pushes Unemployment Rate Down to 7.0 Percent
The number of people involuntarily working part-time fell sharply in November.
On the News With Thom Hartmann: US Wildlife Services Is Killing Millions of Animals With No Accountability to the American Public, and More
In today’s On the News segment: US Wildlife Services is killing millions of animals with no accountability to the American public; President Obama explained that the lack of economic mobility …
The Government Puts Cyanide Back Into the Romanian Parliament
The Government is again planning the destruction of Rosia Montana and advances a new law proposal to boost cyanide mining in Romania.
New Guardian Docs Show ALEC Misled Press, Public
Over the past two years ALEC has been losing corporate members, suffering from major funding shortfalls, and anticipates legal trouble with ethics rules and its charitable tax status.
COP19 Promotes Carbon Colonialism With New REDD+ Deal
REDD+ jeopardizes the rights and resources of local communities throughout the global south, because of the prevalence of carbon-market-driven land grabs.
On the News With Thom Hartmann: ALEC’s 2014 Legislative Agenda, and More
The American Legislative Exchange Council has one heck of an agenda for 2014, and it all centers around one idea - profit over people, and more.
Sorry, Tea Party: Conservatives Don’t Agree With You on Climate Change
A new report details how climate change denial is large strategy in conservative circles like that of the Tea Party.