The Stealth Campaign to Buy US Courts
With ideological groups increasingly eager to buy seats on state-level benches, judges are forced to act more like politicians.
Protesters Call for Justice for Transgender Filipina Allegedly Killed by Marine
A candlelight vigil for Jennifer Laude, the 26-year-old transgender Filipina woman who was allegedly murdered by a US Marine, was held in San Francisco.
Building Trades Chief Lauds Fracking Boom, Shrugs Off Environmental Concerns
On the issue of fracking, public tolerance is waning, but the trades unions aren't backing down.
Pacific Climate Change Warriors Block World’s Largest Coal Port
Climate Change Warriors from 12 Pacific Island nations paddled canoes into the worldu2019s largest coal port in Newcastle, Australia, Friday to bring attention to their grave fears about the …
Beating Climate Change by Retooling the Economy: The Story Begins in Navajo Country
In 2001, Navajo and Hopi youth created the Black Mesa Water Coalition to stop the depletion of the Navajo Aquifer.
Noam Chomsky at United Nations: It Would Be Nice if the United States Lived up to International Law
Chomsky spoke at an event sponsored by the United Nations Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People.
Jeremy Scahill: Blackwater Executives Remain Free as Guards Convicted for Killing 14 Iraqis in Massacre
A federal jury has returned guilty verdicts against four Blackwater operatives involved in the 2007 massacre at Baghdad's Nisoor Square.
Violence Against Women Can Be Stopped if Everyone Is Invested in Preventing Abuse
Recent estimates suggest that a third of women worldwide have experienced partner violence at some point in their life, with wide-ranging implications for their social, mental and physical well-being.
More Than a Number: Violence and Freedom of Expression in Honduras
In today's Honduras, the inalienable freedom of expression has been violently repressed in the form of frequent attacks committed against journalists.
IRS Whistleblowers: Agency Executives Behind Multibillion-Dollar Corporate Tax Giveaways
A veteran Internal Revenue Service attorney demands a congressional audit of the IRS to investigate the agency's alleged role in allowing US corporations to illegally avoid paying billions of …