More Than a Number: Violence and Freedom of Expression in Honduras
In today's Honduras, the inalienable freedom of expression has been violently repressed in the form of frequent attacks committed against journalists.
IRS Whistleblowers: Agency Executives Behind Multibillion-Dollar Corporate Tax Giveaways
A veteran Internal Revenue Service attorney demands a congressional audit of the IRS to investigate the agency's alleged role in allowing US corporations to illegally avoid paying billions of …
In UN Speech, Noam Chomsky Blasts United States for Supporting Israel, Blocking Palestinian State
Noam Chomsky recently spoke in the hall of the UN General Assembly at an event sponsored by the United Nations Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of …
How Putin Became a Central Figure in the First Ever Vote to Ban Fracking in Texas
A Texas state regulatory agency sent a letter to US Secretary of State John Kerry, suggesting that US anti-fracking activists are receiving funding from Russian President Vladimir Putin.
Philadelphia Students Go on Strike for Teachers’ Benefits
At least 200 students across four high schools staged a walk-out of their classes on Wednesday, October 8.
Amid Shootings, Chicago Police Department Upholds Culture of Impunity
An exclusive Truthout investigation reveals that the City of Chicago fails to recognize, let alone sanction, police guilty of repeated episodes of violence.
Ten Reasons Why You Should Care What You Wear
GMO and toxic cotton: You're eating it.
Climate Destruction in the Court of Public Opinion
Organizations from around the world convened a Climate Justice Tribunal across from the UN to indict political leaders and corporate polluters for their failure to protect our health, communities …
Governor Brownback Outsourced Child Support Services to Donor
In March 2013, the Kansas Department of Children and Families announced that all child support services would be outsourced.
Suit Against Kern County Schools Alleges Disproportionate Discipline for Students of Color
Action follows stories highlighting harsh punishments for blacks, Hispanics.