
On the News With Thom Hartmann: Republicans Unveil Their Latest Austerity Budget, and More
We need to support the Progressive budget, and more.

Community Demands Answers in Police Killing of Undocumented Texas Man
A spate of police shootings show how undocumented people are vulnerable to police abuse due to fears of deportation.

Immigrant Workers Are Being Deported for Getting Injured on the Job
When bosses profit from exploiting immigrants, society bears the cost.

Gaza Fishing Industry Held Hostage at Sea
Fisherman in Gaza are facing increasing restrictions that are threatening their livelihoods.

Chilean Accused of Murder, Torture Taught 13 Years for Pentagon
Despite very graphic torture accusations against Garcia Covarrubias, US officials are rallying behind him.

How a Small Quaker Group Forced PNC Bank to Stop Financing Mountaintop Removal
The American 1 percent habitually manipulates religion to serve its interests and fight its battles.

Dueling Visions: The CPC People’s Budget vs. the Budget for the 1%
The Republican budget is rightly scorned as a fantasy, a dishonest, Orwellian document.

Everyone’s Asking the Wrong Questions About Health Care in the US
How is it that a 25-cent piece of plastic and copper came to cost almost $1,000 in the US?

Monica Jones to the UN: US Must Decriminalize Sex Work
The US must recognize that sex workers have human rights, just like everyone else.

As Gentrification Persists in San Francisco, Evictions Take New Forms
As rents continue to rise and gentrification spreads, unscrupulous landlords are using new tactics to evict tenants.