Fracking Industry Showdown Preceding Stricter Fugitive Emissions Ordinances in Mansfield, Texas
The issue of fugitive emissions is one of the reasons that the Mansfield City Council is struggling with how to handle a request from an oil and gas company.
Alabamians See Clearer as Air Pollution Plunges
Plunging atmospheric aerosol levels have spurred increased visibility over the past decade.
Wheeler to Take Title II Route in Net Neutrality Proposal
The FCC chairman is expected to propose regulating the internet like a public utility, allowing for strong net neutrality rules.
On the News With Thom Hartmann: Obama Administration Releases Plan for Offshore Drilling, and More
Offshore areas have been off-limits.
How One Man Helped 10,000 People With Serious Drug Problems
Howard knows about substance abuse on a personal level. He struggled with heroin addiction and spent some time behind bars.
Teenage Girls in Argentina – Invisible Victims of Femicide
In most Latin American countries, the lack of broken-down official data on femicides - a term coined to refer to the killing of females because of their gender - …
Dahr Jamail | Species Extinctions, Human Chronic Disease on the Rise, as Climate Disruption Mounts
Scientists are predicting more species extinctions, and rising rates of chronic disease in humans related to air pollution.
Dahr Jamail | The “Mega-Drought Future,” the Disappearance of Coral Reefs and the Unwillingness to Listen
Scientists are now mapping a world and climate that is changing rapidly in often terrifying ways.
CODEPINK Attempts to “Arrest” Henry Kissinger for War Crimes in Vietnam, Laos, Chile and East Timor
Kissinger served as secretary of state.
On the News With Thom Hartmann: The Middle Class Can’t Be Saved Unless Wall Street Is Tamed, and More
The banks that brought down our economy have only gotten bigger, and more.