
Roy Spencer, Climate Skeptic, Wants RICO Investigation of Environmentalists
Spencer has a career filled with outrageous statements.

Will the ScotPound Serve as a Successful Example of Parallel Currency?
The new Scottish currency is aimed to empower Scottish society.

Campaigns for Paid Family and Medical Leave Gain Momentum, Despite GOP Resistance
Activists are pushing forward paid leave bills in several states, and Washington, DC, may soon offer 16 weeks of paid time off.

Report: Neglected Railways Increase Risk of Exploding Oil “Bomb Trains”
A new report identifies at least 114 railway bridges along known and potential oil train routes that pose significant risks.

Disease Victims Often Shut Out of Workers’ Comp System
Legal barriers for sick workers can be insurmountable; costs are shifted to families and federal programs such as Medicare.

Man in Solitary Goes on Hunger Strike After Ohio Prison Limits Access to Books, Music
After a new prison warden limited his access to books and CDs, Keith LaMar began a hunger strike in protest.

Wave of Hunger Strikes at Immigrant Prisons Gains Steam
The women at Hutto continue to refuse food until their immediate release.

Solar Fight in Florida Heats Up With Mysterious Donor
The largest contribution to an anti consumer measure to impede access to solar energy just came from a mysterious new donor.

ALEC’s Fingerprints on Harsh New North Carolina Immigration Law
Several states followed Arizona's lead in enacting harsh laws that expanded the role of police in federal immigration policy.

As European Governments Restrict Nuclear Power, Investors Focus on Brazil
While some European nations have decided to deactivate their nuclear power plants, Brazil is planning to build 12 by 2050.