Fixing Food Deserts Is About More Than Building Grocery Stores
Food deserts are parts of the country where it's hard to buy fresh fruit, vegetables and other whole foods.
Facing Tear Gas: Chemical Weapons Abuse in US Prisons
People imprisoned in Mount Olive, however, are not alone in their struggle to stop the growth of war industries, domestically.
Barring Plastic Bag Bans, Another ALEC Law Takes Aim at Local Democracy
Preventing local governments from regulating plastic bags is part of a national strategy.
Arctic Sea Ice Volume Nears Record Low
The total volume of Arctic sea ice shrank to the second-lowest amount ever in February, alarming scientists.
A “Victory for People Over Politics” as Feds Cancel Atlantic Drilling Plans
Environmentalists won a victory over the oil and gas industry and its powerful allies in government this week.
Financial Industry Allies “Preempt” Consumer Financial Protection Bureau Payday Lending Fight
Conservatives are assailing a rule on payday lending currently being formulated by the Obama administration as an attack on states' rights.
Merrick Garland: Where Does Supreme Court Pick Stand on Guantánamo, Death Penalty and Abortion?
Some organizations have expressed concern that Garland's record on certain issues is unclear.
Hillary Clinton Has Big Night; Media Move to Silence Bernie Sanders’ Campaign
As Sanders began his address on Tuesday night, corporate media decided to cut away.
Dream Defenders Launch #SquaDD2016 “Presidential” Campaign: “We’re Black, Brown, Radical and Tired as Hell”
Dream Defenders have organized around voting rights and access.
Opponents of GMO Labeling Broke Washington’s Campaign Finance Law
A trade group broke Washington State law by funneling millions of dollars to defeat a GMO labeling initiative, a court found.