
Michigan GOP Push Through Anti-Union, Elite-Backed “Right-to-Work” Law Before House Majority Shrinks
Pushed through before Democrats gain five House seats in the new legislature next month, opponents call the effort an organized attack against labor that will suppress wages and weaken …

Making an Infection a Crime: An Interview With HIV Activist Sean Strub
Strub: HIV-specific laws create stigma and discourage people from getting tested.

Class War in Michigan
Frank Hammer: GOP Governor and State legislature pass law weakening union rights.

State Subsidies to Attract Corporate Investment Should Be Banned
Gerald Epstein: The money thrown at corporations by states to invite investment is a boondoggle that should be ended by federal law.

Colombian GM Worker on Hunger Strike: “We’re in this up to the Final Consequences“
Last desperate act of Colombia GM workers is hunger strike to the death.

Building the Movement to Reclaim Democracy
An interview with Communications Workers of America union head Larry Cohen.

Truthout Radio: Mike Ludwig and the Bayou Frack-Out
Mike discusses the fallout of this disaster and how no one is sure how to clean up this mess because it's so unprecedented.

The Corporate “Heist” of the United States Government Began With a Memo in 1971
Unless we amend the Constitution to say that corporations are not people and that money is not speech, America will soon become a full-blown oligarchy.

Truthout Radio: Gareth Porter on Petraeus
Gareth talks about Patraeus' strengths as a manipulator of information, his ambitious personality, and his ability to paper over his failures in Iraq.

Manning Testifies About His Torture; Was It Aimed at Turning Him on Assange?
Michael Ratner: Manning describes cruel and unusual punishment; offers to plead to lesser charges.