Bad Policy, Bad Medicine: Anti-Choice Law Leaves Vast Swaths of Texas With No Abortion Provider
San Antonio is now the last outpost for legal abortion in southern Texas.
Naomi Klein: People’s Climate March Is a “Glimpse of the Movement We Need“
Naomi Klein's powerful new book explains why not only can the climate movement win - but it's our best chance at overturning some of history's greatest injustices.
Not All of the Black Freedom Fighters Are Men: Black Women on the Front Line in Ferguson
“The media has left out that if it were not for Black Women, there would be no movement.”
Black Prophetic Fire: Cornel West on the Revolutionary Legacy of Leading African-American Voices
The renowned scholar, author and activist Dr. Cornel West discusses his latest book, “Black Prophetic Fire.”
Hong Kong Protests Carefully Choreographed, Not Spontaneous
Tiananmen analogies are a barrier to understanding what's really going on in Hong Kong says Peter Lee, Journalist for the Asia Times Online.
Death of US-Backed Ex-Dictator “Baby Doc” Duvalier Won’t End Haitian Victims’ Quest for Justice
The former US-backed dictator of Haiti, Jean-Claude Duvalier, known as “Baby Doc,” has died at 63.
Turkey Joins the War Campaign Against the Islamic State
Scholar Edmund Ghareeb explains how the authorization for military force against Islamic State by the Turkish parliament will affect peace negotiations with the Kurds.
Jeremy Scahill on Obama’s Orwellian War in Iraq: We Created the Very Threat We Claim to Be Fighting
Author Jeremy Scahill talks about how the US invasion of Iraq in 2003 helped create the threat now posed by the Islamic State.
Iraq Veterans Against the War: Decade-Old Group Grapples With New War, PTSD Epidemic, VA Failures
Celebrating its tenth anniversary, Iraq Veterans Against the War members say it is a bittersweet moment as the US has resumed bombing in Iraq.
Truthout Interviews Featuring James Kilgore on Reversing Mass Incarceration in the US
Ted Asregadoo talks to author and research scholar at the University of Illinois' Center for African Studies James Kilgore.