Bryan Stevenson on Mass Incarceration, Racial Injustice: “We All Need Mercy; We All Need Justice“
Slavery's lasting ideology of white supremacy figures into the history of racial injustice in incarceration, says author Bryan Stevenson.
Henry A. Giroux: Liberalism’s Failures in a Time of Increasing Violence, Racism, Inequality and State Terrorism
Henry Giroux points to failure of liberals who align themselves the rich and powerful and do not challenge domination.
Big Banks Claim Reform Will Hurt the Economy. Here’s Why That’s BS
If we don't fix this house of cards, it will fall on us again.
In Closed Door Meeting, Police Commissioner Says No New Evidence of Force Injuries to Freddie Gray
Protesters have focused on Baltimore's City Hall.
“Thugs,” “Hooligans” and “Riots,” Challenging Narratives With Dominque Stevenson
Stevenson witnessed the events that precipitated Monday's uprising.
Why Seattleites Think They Can Stop Shell Oil From Drilling in the Arctic
The Port of Seattle has welcomed the oil company to temporarily moor its drilling rig before it's towed to Alaska. But these protesters are threatening to block it.
Iranian Nobel Peace Prize Laureate Shirin Ebadi on Nuclear Deal, Islamic State, Women’s Rights
Ebadi discusses the threat posed by IS and the significance of the framework deal agreed to by Iran and world powers including the US and Israel to curb its …
Iraq’s Female Citizens: Prisoners of War
Iraqi woman human rights defender Yanar Mohammed spoke about grassroots responses to the atrocities women are facing under ISIS.
National Guard Deployed as Baltimore Erupts After Years of Police Violence, Economic Neglect
Baltimore public schools are closed, and a weeklong curfew is in effect.
Nobel Laureates Call on “Militaristic” United States to Renew Pledge to Protect Human Rights
President Barack Obama has authorized more drone strikes during his first three months in office than President Bush did during his entire administration.