
Thomas Pogge on the Past, Present and Future of Global Poverty
Thomas Pogge. (Photo: Pontificia Universidad CatĂłlica de Chile) Keane Bhatt: Could you begin by outlining the key issues of global poverty and why you consider its existence …

WikiLeaks: Saudis Often Warned US About Oil Speculators (Video)
Click here to read Kevin G. Hall's story. TRANSCRIPT:

Obama’s Sister: What Our Mother Taught Us
In 1984, YES! Publisher Fran Korten worked alongside Barack Obama's mother, Ann Soetoro, at the Ford Foundation's office in Jakarta, Indonesia. Ann's daughter, Maya, who was 14 at the …

A Tour of the Savage City With TJ English
The writer TJ English has just published “Savage City: Race, Murder and a Generation on the Edge.” On one level it is the story of three men living in …

WikiLeaks Reveals US Wanted to Keep Russia out of Libyan Oil (Video)
More at The Real News Kevin G. Hall, is the national economics correspondent for McClatchy Newspapers. Previously he served as Latin America correspondent. During his career he has reported …

“Friday of Decisiveness in Yemen”: Tens of Thousands Protest as President Saleh Defiantly Rejects Demands to Resign
Tens of thousands of Yemenis took to the streets yesterday for what organizers have called the "Friday of Decisiveness,” days after Yemeni forces opened fire on demonstrators. The death …

Fixing the Revolving Door (Audio)
“This kind of thing used to be shameful...” Dina Rasor, who writes the Solutions: Making Government Work column on, describes the conflict of interest that can arise when …

Gary Johnson: “I Would Get Out of Afghanistan Tomorrow“
Last month, I wrote a piece suggesting that Americans who want to end the war in Afghanistan ought to consider supporting former New Mexico Gov. Gary Johnson in the …

Troy Davis Facing Execution Date Any Day Now
Laura Moye is director of the Amnesty International USA Death Penalty Abolition Campaign. In this interview, Moye talks about 42-year-old Troy Davis, an African American who has been on …

Rep. Barbara Lee Renews Calls for End to Afghan War After Killing of Osama bin Laden (Video)
In September 2001, Rep. Barbara Lee was the only lawmaker in either chamber of Congress to vote against the 2001 resolution authorizing the use of force in Afghanistan. Today …