
David Simon’s New Mini-Series Looks at “Hypersegregation” in Public Housing
David Simon's latest project is titled “Show Me a Hero,” a six-part mini-series now airing on HBO.

David Simon on Katrina Anniversary: New Orleans “May Be the Greatest Gift We Have to Offer”
We talk to the acclaimed TV writer and producer about the show and his love of New Orleans.

The Drug War Has to End: David Simon on “The Wire” and Over-Policing of the Poor
David Simon captured the city of Baltimore from the angles of street-level drug dealers, beat police officers and journalists covering corrupt politicians.

“Casino Capitalism”: Economist Michael Hudson on What’s Behind the Stock Market’s Roller-Coaster Ride
Black Monday is how economists are describing Monday's market turmoil.

Hip-Hop Legend Boots Riley on How His Cousin Was Accused of Shooting a Cop
Legendary hip-hop artist Boots Riley has been deeply involved in political activism for decades.

Henry A. Giroux | Neoliberalism, Violence and Resistance: A Discussion on Forthright Radio
Henry Giroux examines neoliberalism as an economic structure designed to consolidate the power and as a form of public pedagogy.

We Need to Fix Our Democracy: Lawrence Lessig Weighs Presidential Run to Rid Money From Politics
Experts predict as much as $10 billion could be spent by candidates, parties and outside groups on the 2016 campaign.

Puerto Rico Will Find Many Friends if It Breaks With Colonial Condition
Argentine sociologist Atilio Boron discusses Puerto Rico as a colony of the United States.

Sen. Bernie Sanders: The Financial Rules Are Rigged to Favor the 1%
Sanders convened a panel to discuss the debt crisis in Greece.

Greek Prime Minister Resigns, Calls for New Election as Syriza Splits
Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras announced his resignation on Thursday.