
“Mr. Smith Goes to Prison”: After a Year in Jail, Former State Senator Condemns Mass Incarceration
Jeff Smith speaks about what he learned in prison and his thoughts about criminal legal reform.

The Next Not-So-Cold War: As Climate Change Heats Arctic, Nations Scramble for Control and Resources
As the Arctic region warms, the geopolitical significance of the region is growing

Despite Global Ban, Saudi-Led Forces Kill Dozens in Yemen Using US-Made Cluster Bombs
Neither the United States, Saudi Arabia or Yemen have joined the global convention banning the use of cluster munitions.

Death Toll Rises as Refugees Head to Europe Seeking Safety
The EU has called for emergency talks to address the growing number of people fleeing to Europe.

As Obama Visits Arctic, Alaskans Urge Him to Reverse Shell Oil Deal
Weeks after approving Shellu2019s plans to drill in Alaska, President Obama is heading to the state.

As Journalists Are Jailed for Three Years in Egypt, Will US Stop “Cozying Up” to Regime?
In Egypt, Al Jazeera journalists Mohamed Fahmy, Baher Mohamed and Peter Greste were sentenced over the weekend.

“Guantánamo Diary” Reveals How US Empire Can Capture, Torture and Imprison With Impunity
Larry Siems reveals how he worked with prisoner Mohamedou Ould Slahi to bring his harrowing account about torture at Guantanamo to light.

Shock Doctrine: A Look at the Mass Privatization of NOLA Schools in Storm’s Wake and Its Effects Today
Just two weeks after Hurricane Katrina, the city fired 7,500 public school teachers, launching a new push for charter schools.

Guatemala President Faces Arrest as Business Interests and US Scramble to Contain Uprising
The Vice President must remain in prison, while the impeachment order for the President has been sent to Congress.

If You Are Poor, It’s Like the Hurricane Just Happened: Malik Rahim on Katrina Ten Years After
Just weeks after Hurricane Katrina hit the city, Malik Rahim took Democracy Now! around the neighborhood of Algiers.