
As Paris Deal Is Signed, Gulf Coast Residents Demand End to Drilling — Entirely
As the world marks Earth Day, more than 60 heads of state meet at the United Nations headquarters to sign the Paris climate agreement aimed at slowing climate change.

Bill Moyers: Campaign Finance Reform — It’s Not Just Liberals Anymore
Republican Richard Painter discusses why conservatives should care about money in politics.

Officials Charged in Flint Water Poisoning, but Governor Snyder Has Not Even Been Questioned
The first criminal charges have been filed in the ongoing Flint water contamination crisis.

As Saudis Continue Bombing Yemen, Is Obama Trading Cluster Munitions for Riyadh’s Loyalty?
President Obama visited Saudi Arabia for a meeting with leaders of the Gulf Cooperation Council.

Consequences of Consciousness: Sy Montgomery on Human Treatment of Other Animals
Author and naturalist Sy Montgomery discusses what we can do to better respect the life course of other sentient beings.

Noam Chomsky on Organizing for a Next System
Noam Chomsky discusses his experiences in campus activism and his vision of a just society.

Civil Disobedience Planned on Capitol Hill to Cap Week With More Than 900 Arrests
More than 900 people have been arrested over the past week on Capitol Hill.

“This Is Not a Bathroom Bill, This Is a Hate Bill”: Rev. William Barber on North Carolina’s HB2
Civil rights activists are planning to conduct a mass sit-in next Monday.

Interview With the Founders of the Democracy in Europe Movement 25: Yanis Varoufakis and Srecko Horvat
We talk to the former finance minister of Greece, Varoufakis, and philosopher, activist and author, Horvat.

George Monbiot: Never-Ending Growth Cannot Be Sustained on a Finite Planet
Author George Monbiot discusses his new book, what brought the climate to a crisis point and what we can do about it.