
Glenn Greenwald on Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff’s Impeachment
Embattled Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff is slated to testify today at her impeachment trial.

“Necessary Trouble” and a Long, Hard Struggle: Talking Movements With Sarah Jaffe
Sarah Jaffe's “Necessary Trouble” is an extensive, vivid overview of post-2008 crisis movements and their organizers.

Social Reproduction: Between the Wage and the Commons
Silvia Federici discusses the struggles over social reproduction, gender, work and the commons.

Day Laborers Leader on Right-Wing Hostility: “So Far, We Have Won This Fight“
We recently spoke with Pablo Alvarado, executive director of the Los Angeles-based National Day Laborer Organizing Network.

Vijay Prashad: Hillary Clinton Shows Dangerous Tendency to Go to War No Matter the Consequences
Scholar Vijay Prashad discusses the US election and notes that former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton led the charge against Libya.

The Making of a Badass Black Feminist: A Conversation With C. Nicole Mason
This interview explores writing to transgress, holding Black pain and joy, and just how a Bad Ass Black Feminist gets made.

Embracing the Alt-Right: New Trump Campaign Chief “Created an Online Haven for White Nationalists”
Last week, Donald Trump once again upended his campaign team and named Stephen Bannon, the head of Breitbart Media, to be his campaign chief.

Day After Obama Tours Louisiana Flood Damage, Government Holds Massive Gulf Oil and Gas Lease Auction
Four environmental activists were arrested in New Orleans protesting a lease sale of up to 24 million acres in the Gulf of Mexico for oil and gas development.

The Shocking Story of How a Chicago Cop Killed a Teen — Then Locked Up His Best Friend for the Murder
Louis is one of 10 people with similar cases exposed in the Chicago Reader's new article.

Life Itself Is Being Patented, Privatized and Re-engineered
Ashley Dawson offers critiques and insights into how capitalism besieged our ecosystem and what we can do about it.