
National Guard on Standby in North Dakota Before Court Ruling on Dakota Access Pipeline
North Dakota Governor Jack Dalrymple has activated the National Guard ahead of today's ruling on the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe's lawsuit.

Leading Economists Oppose TPP Provision Giving Corporations Upper Hand in Investor-State Disputes
More than 200 of the country's leading economists and legal scholars have written a letter urging Congress to reject the 12-nation trade pact.

Talib Kweli on Curbing Racism and Resisting Gentrification
“We can't keep pointing fingers at other people unless we are able to turn that mirror back on ourselves.”

Iowa Landowners Sue to Stop Dakota Access Construction, Say Pipeline Provides No Public Service
The Dakota Access pipeline is also facing legal resistance in Iowa, one of four states through which it passes.

Migrant Mother Says She Was Pushed to End Hunger Strike to Win Release From Detention
A woman held for nine months with her four-year-old daughter at the Berks County Residential Center as they seek asylum from El Salvador speaks out.

Dakota Access Pipeline Company Attacks Native Americans With Dogs and Pepper Spray
The pipeline has faced months of resistance from the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe.

Did the Dakota Access Pipeline Company Deliberately Destroy Sacred Sioux Burial Sites?
As bulldozers cleared earth, hundreds of Native Americans from many different tribes rushed onto the construction site to protect the sacred site.

“The Making of Donald Trump”: David Cay Johnston on Trump’s Ties to the Mob and Drug Traffickers
Johnston's new biography of Donald Trump has just been published; it's called “The Making of Donald Trump.”

Why Is the US Aligned With Saudi Arabia?
There's more to the US-Saudi cozy relationship than just a common interest in oil, says Medea Benjamin in her new book.

The Open Source School Redefines Education in Italy
La Scuola Open Source (The Open Source School) embodies the principles of the sharing movement.