Interview | War & Peace Ex-Blackwater CEO Erik Prince Makes a Comeback Under Trump Prince is back in the spotlight after more than a decade of largely working in the shadows. By Amy Goodman , DemocracyNow! May 6, 2019 Truthout
Interview | War & Peace The Occupation of Gaza Is a Crime of Aggression Leaders in Gaza and Israel have reached a ceasefire after recent fighting left 25 Palestinians and four Israelis dead. By Amy Goodman , DemocracyNow! May 6, 2019 Truthout
Interview | Politics & Elections Sanctions Amount to Collective Punishment Against the Iranian Population Sina Toossi, research associate at the National Iranian American Council, discusses Trump's anti-Iran campaign. By Janine Jackson , FAIR May 5, 2019 Truthout
Interview | Prisons & Policing Anything Other Than Decriminalization Leaves Sex Workers Behind Criminalization of sex work further disempowers some of society's most vulnerable classes of people. By Samantha Borek , Truthout May 5, 2019 Truthout
Interview | Prisons & Policing Taking Away Voting Rights Does Nothing to Solve Violence Maya Schenwar discusses voting rights, the current political landscape and her forthcoming book. By Kim Wilson & Brian Sonenstein , Shadowproof May 4, 2019 Truthout
Interview | Education & Youth Kentucky and Minnesota Teachers of Year Boycott Trump Meeting Teachers boycotted a White House ceremony honoring them in protest of the Trump administration's education policies. By Amy Goodman , DemocracyNow! May 3, 2019 Truthout
Interview | Culture & Media Remembering Folk Icon Pete Seeger on What Would Have Been His 100th Birthday Seeger recalled how he learned about the classic civil rights anthem “We Shall Overcome” in this interview. By Amy Goodman , DemocracyNow! May 3, 2019 Truthout
Interview | Politics & Elections Two Venezuelans Oppose US Intervention But Differ on Steps Ahead Venezuela's vice minister of foreign relations for North America and a Venezuelan sociologist debate. By Amy Goodman & Nermeen Shaikh , DemocracyNow! May 2, 2019 Truthout
Interview | Environment & Health UK Parliament Declares a Climate Emergency British journalist George Monbiot discusses the need for rebellion to prevent ecological apocalypse. By Amy Goodman & Nermeen Shaikh , DemocracyNow! May 2, 2019 Truthout
Interview | Politics & Elections As Venezuela Coup Attempt Fails to Overthrow Maduro, Guaidó Calls for Protests Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro is claiming to have defeated a coup attempt by opposition leader, Juan Guaidó. By Amy Goodman , DemocracyNow! May 1, 2019 Truthout