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World Bank Thwarts Climate Goals With $750 Million in Factory Farm Investments

Leading development banks invested at least $2.27 billion in “a leading driver of greenhouse gas emissions” in 2023.

The Green Climate Fund and 11 of the 15 multilateral development banks together invested at least $2.27 billion in factory farming in 2023, undercutting their stated climate goals, according to a report published Monday by the Stop Financing Factory Farming coalition.

The report, launched the same day as the start of the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank’s annual meetings in Washington, D.C., found that the World Bank was the worst offender. The bank — principally through its private-sector lending arm the International Finance Corporation (IFC) — put nearly $750 million toward industrial agricultural projects, five times more than any of the other banks.

“Factory farming is a leading driver of greenhouse gas emissions, deforestation, biodiversity loss, animal cruelty, and water pollution,” Merel van der Mark, head of Animal Welfare and Finance at Sinergia Animal, said in a statement. “Development banks have all pledged to align their investments with the Paris climate agreement, yet are failing to make the kinds of investments needed to keep the goal to limit global temperature rises to 1.5°C within reach.”

The report was based on 2023 disclosure information scraped from project webpages by the Early Warning System. It found that the Green Climate Fund and 11 of the 15 multilateral development banks had invested a total of $3.3 billion in animal agriculture generally, funding 62 projects. The banks also mobilized another $3.4 billion for the sector from other sources including banks and governments. The World Bank Group also led the pack in animal agriculture financing overall at over $1.5 billion.

Factory farming — or industrial agriculture — received most of that money, representing 68.3% of investments and 76.7% of supported projects. Only 2.3% of investments and 6.7% of projects involved non-industrial farming that might potentially be sustainable.

The report’s authors said their research “reveals a concerning trend toward support for the industrialization of animal agriculture.” This can occur through more monocropping of plants like soy or corn for animal feed; more warehousing of large numbers of animals in concentrated feed operations that release large amounts of climate-, land-, and water-polluting waste; and the construction of slaughterhouses.

The World Bank’s investments in factory farming go against its own research. The bank released a report in May finding that the agrifood system generates a third of total greenhouse gas emissions, and that animal production and consumption make up almost 60% of those emissions. It even stopped serving meat in its staff cafe.

“The World Bank has set out an ambitious road map to drastically cut agricultural emissions while feeding the world. However, this good work is being undermined by its private sector arm, the International Finance Corporation,” said International Accountability Project researcher Alessandro Ramazzotti. Last year IFC invested $501 million in factory farming including a $47 million loan to a Chinese company for a multi-story pig farm, making it the largest investor of all the development banks. We’re calling on World Bank President Ajay Banja to phase out these investments, which are undermining his climate agenda.”

In addition, the groups behind the Stop Financing Factory Farming coalition — which is headed by Bank Information Center, Friends of the Earth U.S., Global Forest Coalition, International Accountability Project, Sinergia Animal, and World Animal Protection — call on all development banks to move their money from industrial agriculture to regenerative agriculture that boosts biodiversity, helps the environment, and strengthens local communities, following the model of the five banks in the report that did not invest in factory farms in 2023.

“There are examples of better practices out there,” said Ladd Connell, environment director at Bank Information Center.The Green Climate Fund supports some low-carbon projects, such as providing financial and technical support to smallholder women farmers in Cote D’Ivoire to help them adapt to climate change. Where banks invest in new livestock projects, they should be innovative and sustainable, following agroecological principles.”

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