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We Are One Nation Working Together

In the wake of the 2008 presidential election, I remember often hearing that we had seen the realization of Dr. King’s dream. The finality of that statement should have always given us pause…complacency is what we have to fear, it is what my generation must fight.

In the wake of the 2008 presidential election, I remember often hearing that we had seen the realization of Dr. King’s dream. The finality of that statement should have always given us pause…complacency is what we have to fear, it is what my generation must fight.

A lot has been said in the last two years. A lot of what we hoped for has seen resistance; critical pieces of legislation like The Dream Act and the repeal of Don’t Ask Don’t Tell have faced temporary defeat in the halls of the United States Senate. We’ve seen obstructionism and political gamesmanship at the expense of assistance for millions. We’ve witnessed the legitimate economic concerns of the nation exploited to stoke fears and encourage division. We’ve watched divisive tactics manifest in ugly ways to encourage going after a demographic, or a community center, or a President who doesn’t look like his predecessors…

While those voices may have been louder than ours, I’m confident that they don’t speak for the majority of us. We are One Nation working together, and on October 2nd we’ll be one nation marching together.

If you hear this message, then join us us on October 2nd in Washington as we insist with passion and vigor that yes, we are still out there.


We missed our July fundraiser goal and need to keep fundraising to make up the difference.

The next few months are going to be pivotal and your tax-deductible donation will go far in helping us do our work.

Please do what you can today.