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Vowing “Major Decisions,” Trump Says “Nothing Off the Table” for Syria

Trump was scheduled to meet with generals last evening.

President Donald Trump is flanked by National Security Adviser John Bolton as he speaks, while receiving a briefing from senior military leaders regarding Syria, in the Cabinet Room, on April 9, 2018, in Washington, DC.

During a cabinet meeting on Monday following his promise to impose a “heavy price” on the Syrian government after it was accused of launching a chemical attack this weekend, President Donald Trump declared that no options — including military action — are “off the table” when it comes to a possible US response.

Asked by a reporter if increased military involvement in Syria is being considered, Trump said, “Nothing’s off the table.”


With new national security adviser and warmonger John Bolton looming in the background, Trump also informed the press that, despite not knowing who exactly is responsible for the attack, “major decisions” on possible US military retaliation will be made in the next 24 to 48 hours. Trump was scheduled to meet with generals last evening.

“You don’t see things like that, as bad as the news is around the world,” Trump claimed. “If it’s the Russians, if it’s Syria, if it’s Iran, if it’s all of them together, we’ll figure it out.”

As Common Dreams reported, Iran and Russia have both warned that the horrifying images and reported casualties from the chemical attack could be used as a pretext for US and others to escalate their military operations in Syria.

Watch Trump’s remarks: