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The Public Intellectual: Dr. Cynthia Boaz

Dr. Cynthia Boaz The Violence of Andrew BreitbartWednesday, 07 March 2012 by: Dr Cynthia Boaz, Waging Nonviolence | Op-Ed

Dr. Cynthia Boaz The Violence of Andrew BreitbartWednesday

Dr. Cynthia Boaz

The Violence of Andrew Breitbart
Wednesday, 07 March 2012
by: Dr Cynthia Boaz, Waging Nonviolence | Op-Ed

BLUNT: Fourteen Propaganda Techniques Fox News Uses to Brainwash Americans
Wednesday 13 July 2011
by: GottaLaff and Dr. Cynthia Boaz, The Political Carnival | Video

Fourteen Propaganda Techniques Fox “News” Uses to Brainwash Americans
Saturday 2 July 2011
by: Dr. Cynthia Boaz, Truthout | News Analysis

Nonviolent Revolution Clarified: Five Myths and Realities Behind Egypt’s Uprising
Sunday 10 July 2011
by: Dr. Cynthia Boaz, Truthout | News Analysis

Women and the Struggle for Democracy in Iran: A Discussion With a Nobel Laureate
Wednesday 04 November 2009
by: Cynthia Boaz, Truthout | Interview

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