
A 2023 Wave of “Election Subversion” Bills Threatens 2024 Results
Legislation in 38 states would set conditions for the kind of “chaos and delay” that Trump exploited in 2020.

US Economic War on Venezuela Has Rewarded Corruption and Undermined Democracy
Opposition leader Juan Guaidó’s fall from grace symbolizes the failure of U.S. and opposition tactics.

January 6 Convictions Could Strengthen the State’s Ability to Target the Left
The convictions are unlikely to make a long-term dent in the far right itself.

NYC Officials Knew Wildfire Smoke Was Coming But Did Little to Protect Residents
After the worst day of wildfire smoke pollution in U.S. history, critics decried the city's “lackluster” response.

Democrats Unveil Debt Ceiling Reform Act to Prevent Repeat of GOP Hostage-Taking
“It's time to put the debt ceiling in the hands of the Treasury secretary,” said Sen. Dick Durbin.

Senate Bill Calls for Investigation Into Indian Boarding Schools
The bill would create a Truth and Healing Commission that would document ongoing impacts to Native communities.

Was Israel’s Latest Attack on Gaza Manufactured to Divert “Democracy” Protests?
Scholars Richard Falk and Stephen Zunes discuss the intricacies of the situation and unpack Netanyahu's motivations.

Youth Are Suing Montana for Failing to Protect Their Future From Climate Chaos
The lawsuit is based on Montana's state constitution, which enshrines the right to a clean and healthful environment.

Democrats Say GOP Witness Lied to Congress About Connection to Far Right Group
The suspended FBI agent had allegedly been leaking sensitive information to far right propaganda group Project Veritas.

Transcript of Trump Recording Shows He Knew Docs Were Classified
The recording, from 2021, features Trump talking to other people about documents that are highly secretive.