
Right-Wingers Push Death Penalty Reinstatement Bills as Part of Hardline Agenda
The same forces that are attacking abortion, trans health care and racial justice are also pushing for more executions.

More Than 1.2M Patients Have Been Booted Off Medicaid. Most Are Still Eligible.
An estimated 76 percent of those disenrolled were kicked off for “procedural reasons” like completing paperwork late.

The White House’s Strategic Plan on Antisemitism Is Fatally Flawed
Those concerned with antisemitism must understand what it truly means to challenge it as part of movements for justice.

Anti-Trans Bills Spark Mass Migration as 130-260K Trans People Flee Home States
A new survey shows that hundreds of thousands have left their home states, and over a million more may soon follow.

Nearly 6 in 10 People With Health Insurance Have Had Coverage Issue in Past Year
The American health insurance system leaves both uninsured and insured people to languish, polling suggests.

Abbott Signs “Death Star” Act That Limits Municipalities’ Ability to Self-Govern
The new law will make it next to impossible to protect workers and consumers at the local level, city officials say.

In Surprise Ruling, Supreme Court Upholds Indian Child Welfare Act
Advocates had feared the Supreme Court would dismantle the Indian Child Welfare Act and Native sovereignty at large.

In First, House Education and Workforce Committee Staff File to Unionize
The union also unveiled several offices that have recently won union elections, including Ocasio-Cortez’s office.

Trump Rejected Lawyers’ Efforts to Cooperate With DOJ to Avoid Indictment
Trump's lawyers wanted him to make a deal with federal officials over the documents he had taken as early as 2021.

Coalition Announces Global Mobilization Amid Inaction in Latest Climate Talks
Activists are demanding an end to fossil fuels and holding polluters accountable for damage they’ve already caused.