
House Report Reveals Trump Received $8M in Foreign Payments as President
Republicans are seeking to impeach Biden over foreign government payments they have no evidence of.

Pressley, Warren Urge Biden to Reverse “Vindictive” Trump Sanctions Against Cuba
Biden promised to reverse Trump’s repression on Cuba on the campaign trail, but has failed to deliver.

US’s Wealthiest Collectively Held $8.5 Trillion in Untaxed Assets in 2022
“This is why we need a billionaire income tax,” Americans for Tax Fairness said.

Hundreds of Protesters Demanding Ceasefire Shut Down California Capitol
The state Assembly canceled its session for the day as about 500 Palestinian rights defenders disrupted the proceedings.

Biden Appointee Resigns Over Administration’s Response to Gaza Assault
Tariq Habash is the second administration official to resign over Biden's handling of Israel's war on Gaza.

There’s Great Power in Grief. Will We Use It to Fuel Solidarity With Palestine?
Grief can be transformative, and it compels me to imagine a world where freedom is possible -- in Palestine and beyond.

Early Contests Could Disrupt the Narrative That Trump Is the Inevitable Nominee
In the early primaries, perceptions of momentum are at least as important as raw delegate accumulation.

80 Percent of Global Famine Is Currently in Gaza, UN Expert Warns
“In my life, I’ve never seen anything like this in terms of severity, in terms of scale, and then in terms of speed.”

Report: Thomas May Also Be Dodging Tax Bill With Failure to Report Gifts
The likely millions of dollars worth of gifts Thomas has received may count as taxable income, a recent report found.

Biden WH Asks SCOTUS to Allow Fed Removal of Texas’s Razor Wire at Border
A lower court's injunction is currently blocking federal agents from removing the razor wire.