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Occupy the Narrative

Truthout has been covering the Occupy Wall Street movement on the ground from the first day, and we’ll be there until the goals of the movement are reached. This is something different – a movement based on the idea of Justice, an idea which cannot be co-opted, crushed or subverted. While this movement for Justice continues to build solidarity around the US and around the globe, Truthout will cover it every step of the way. -TO/mr Re-Occupation and Police Raid of Zuccotti Park Set Tone for Radical Spring by: J.A. Myerson, Truthout | Report

Truthout has been covering the Occupy Wall Street movement on the ground from the first day

Truthout has been covering the Occupy Wall Street movement on the ground from the first day, and we’ll be there until the goals of the movement are reached. This is something different – a movement based on the idea of Justice, an idea which cannot be co-opted, crushed or subverted. While this movement for Justice continues to build solidarity around the US and around the globe, Truthout will cover it every step of the way. -TO/mr

Election Countdown 2012: #Occupy Arrests From October 2011 Ruled Unconstitutional, and More
By Lambert Strether, Naked Capitalism | News Analysis

Thousands Surround Spanish Parliament in Bid to “Occupy Congress” and Stop Austerity
By Nermeen Shaikh and Amy Goodman, Democracy NOW! | Interview and Video

Journalist Arun Gupta and Organizer Marina Sitrin on Occupy’s Anniversary
By Laura Flanders, Moyers & Company | Video

Occupy the Truth: Challenging the Media’s Premature Post-Mortem on Occupy
By Michael I Niman, Art Voice | News Analysis

My State-Sponsored Assault, Courtesy of the NYPD
By John Knefel, Truthout | Op-Ed

Election Countdown 2012: Anti-Occupy Wall Street Rally Claims Power is Not on Wall Street, but in DC, and More
By Lambert Strether, Naked Capitalism | News Analysis

Occupy Infiltrates Financial District With Creative, Decentralized Actions for First Anniversary
By Alyssa Figueroa and Sarah Jaffe, AlterNet | Report

Occupy Wall Street Protesters Swarm NYC Financial District to Mark 1st Anniversary of 99% Struggle
By Allison Kilkenny and Amy Goodman, Democracy Now! | Video

I Will Occupy
By William Rivers Pitt, Truthout | Op-Ed

Quo Vadis Occupy? Mic Check on the State of the Revolution
By JA Myerson, Truthout | News Analysis

Occupy Your Victories: Occupy Wall Street’s First Anniversary
By Rebecca Solnit, TomDipatch | Op-Ed

Occupy Wall Street Begins “Year II” With Call to Debt Resistance
By Yates McKee, Waging Nonviolence | Report

Occupy Wall Street Prepares to Celebrate Where It All Began
By Mike Ludwig, Truthout | Report

Occupy the TPP: Civil Disobedience Actions Blockade Entrance to Site of TPP Negotiations in VA
By Staff, It’s Our Economy | Report

Occupy Wall Street and the Art of Demanding
By Samuel Farber, Jacobin Magazine | Op-Ed

Breaking With Convention: Occupy Chicago Protests GOP in Tampa, Democrats at Home
By Joe Macare, Occupied Chicago Tribune | Report

Police Kill Suspect; Occupy SF Activists Falsely Linked
By JA Myerson, Truthout | News Analysis

Occupy National Gathering: Perspectives on Police
By Zachary Bell, | Report

As Occupy Wall Street Anniversary Approaches, Debt Emerges as Widespread Occupy Grievance
By Yates McKee, Waging Nonviolence | News Analysis

The Elephant in the Room: The Police and the Occupy Movement
By Collin Harris, Truthout | Interview

The Aftermath of Occupy will Surpass the Gains of 1960s Activism
By Bill Zimmerman, Truthout | Op-Ed

Eight Defendants Found Guilty in Occupy Trespass Case
By John Knefel, Truthout | Report

The Clash on Wabash: The 150 NATO Summit Protesters Who Stayed Up Past Mainstream Media’s Bedtime
By Darryl Holliday and E N Rodriguez, Truthout | Graphic Journalism

The Prosecution Rests in D17 Occupy Wall Street Case
By John Knefel, Truthout | Report

Trial Continues in OWS Trinity Church Trespass Case
By John Knefel, Truthout | Report

Occupy Will Return
By Chris Hedges, Truthdig | Op-Ed

Dear Bank of America, We’re Not Leaving Our Homes
By Amy Dean, YES! Magazine | News Analysis

Pepper Spraying of Students in Santa Monica
By David Bacon, Truthout | Report

Daniel Berrigan, America’s Street Priest, Stands With Occupy
By Chris Hedges, Truthdig | News Analysis

The Secret of Joy: Six Lessons From Quebec’s “Maple Spring”
By Terrance Heath, Campaign For America’s Future | Op-Ed

The Lessons of People’s Park for the Occupy Movement
By Michael H. Carriere, History News Network | News Analysis

Raw Video: Police Drag Occupy DC Activists to Break Home Eviction Blockade
By Mike Ludwig, Truthout | Report

The Maple Spring and the Mafiocracy: Struggling Students Versus “Entitled Elites”
By Andrew Gavin Marshall, Andrew Gavin Marshall | Op-Ed

Quebec’s Fight Is Our Fight
By Chris Hedges, Truthdig | News Analysis

Hunger/AIDS Medication Striker to Trinity Church: “Forgive Us Our Trespasses”
By JA Myerson, Truthout | Report

As the 99% Movement Evolves, It’s Time to Go All-in on Money-out
By David DeGraw, AmpedStatus | Op-Ed

Chicago Factory Occupiers Form Worker Cooperative
By Yana Kunichoff, Truthout | Report

Ten Things Everyone Should Know About Quebec’s Student Movement
By Andrew Gavin Marshall, | News Analysis

Is This What Democracy Looks Like? Reflections on Chicago
By Molly Knefel, Truthout | News Analysis

How Students are Painting Montreal Red
By Manissa McCleave Maharawal and Zoltán Glück, Waging Nonviolence | News Analysis

From the Chilean Winter to the Maple Spring Solidarity: the Student Movements in Chile and Québec
By Andrew Gavin Marshall, Andrew Gavin Marshall’s Blog | News Analysis

Collateral Damage in the War on Protesters: Neighbors of the NATO3 Cuffed, Held at Gunpoint
By Sam Jewler, AlterNet | Report

Has the FBI Launched a War of Entrapment Against the Occupy Movement?
By Arun Gupta, AlterNet | News Analysis

Pictures of Second “NATO 5” Informant, “Gloves,” Published For First Time on
Steve Horn, Antiwar | Report

NATO Protest: Veterans Return Their Medals and More
By Alyona Minkovski, The Alyona Show | Video

Blood on Protesters’ Faces and Dozens Arrested: Anti-NATO Protest Aftermath in Chicago
By Gayane Chichakyan , RT News | Interview and Video

Boeing HQ Shut Down by Anti-NATO Summit Protesters to Cap Week of Action
By Yana Kunichoff, Truthout | Report

Henry A. Giroux: The Occupy Movement and the Politics of Educated Hope
By Henry A. Giroux, Truthout | Op-Ed

Tom Morello Leads the Occupy “Guitarmy” (Video)
By Lauren Feeney, Moyers & Co. | Video

In Chicago, Afghanistan and Iraq Veterans Put NATO’s Endless War on Trial
By Robert Naiman, Truthout | News Analysis

Congress Cans the Constitution, as Chicago Police Abduct Activists
By Shahid Buttar, People’s Blog for the Constitution | Op-Ed

Entrapment of Cleveland 5 and NATO 3 Is Nothing New
By Jake Olzen, Waging Nonviolence | Report

From Pride to Shame: Vets Return Their Medals
By JA Myerson, Truthout | News Analysis

More NATO Summit Activists Charged; Five Linked by Two Informants
By Steve Horn, Truthout | Report

Veterans Return Their Medals as Marchers Turn Chicago Into Peace Town
By David Swanson, War Is a Crime | News Analysis

Thousands March With Veterans for Peace at Chicago NATO Summit; Police Respond With Brute Force
By Allison Kilkenny, Truthout | Report

Whose Firebombs? Inside the Alleged “Conspiracy”
By Curtis Black, | News Analysis

Occupying Different Worlds: NATO and Its Citizens
By JA Myerson, Truthout | Report

“Terrorism Plot” or Entrapment? The Case of the NATO 3
By Yana Kunichoff and Steve Horn, Truthout | Report

Hundreds of Protesters Head to Chicago Mayor’s House to Oppose Health Clinic Closures
By Allison Kilkenny, Truthout | Report

The NATO Raids and Arrests: This Is What Jail Solidarity Looks Like
By Yana Kunichoff, Truthout | Report

Occupy Movement Wins Spate of Legal Battles, but Faces New Challenges Ahead as “NATO Three” Face Terrorism Charges
By J.A. Myerson, Truthout | Report

Why Protest NATO?
By Sam Jewler, Truthout | Op-Ed

NATO in Crisis
By Ludo De Brabander, Vrede | News Analysis

NATO Protesters Claim Police Conducted Unlawful Raid
By Pamela Jones, CBS Chicago | Video

Nurses Gather at NATO to Demand Government Funds Health, Not Death
By Allison Kilkenny, Truthout | Report

NATO Protesters Held Without Charge After Raid as Chicago Steps Up Police Activities
By Yana Kunichoff, Truthout | Report

First Unplanned Arrests in Chicago NATO Week of Action Have Activists Saying Police Overreacted
By Yana Kunichoff, Truthout | Report

Occupy the Farm Dug In, Dug Up
By Susie Cagle, Truthout | Report

Truthout Contributor Richard Wolff on Challenging Capitalism in His New Book, “Occupy the Economy”
By Matt Renner, Truthout | Interview

Occupy Chicago Takes on the War at Home
By Yana Kunichoff, Truthout | Report

Why the Occupy Movement Frightens the Corporate Elite
By Chris Hedges, Truthdig | Op-Ed

DC: The Colony in Congress’ Backyard
By Sam Jewler, Truthout | News Analysis

CUNY Students Protest Tuition Increases Today for Tomorrow’s Students
By JA Myerson, Truthout | Report

What Occupiers Learned From Obama – and What He Should Learn From Them
By Sarah Jaffe, Truthout | News Analysis

Private F—-ing Citizen Filpo of the First Civilian Division
By JA Myerson, Truthout | News Analysis

American Autumn: An Occudoc
By Dennis Trainor Jr, | Video

The Corporate Media’s Attempt to Kill the Occupy Movement
By Michael Corcoran and Stephen Maher, Truthout | News Analysis

Leaving Wall Street
By Alexis Goldstein, n+1 | Op-Ed

Occupied Oakland’s May Daze
By Susie Cagle, Truthout | News Analysis

New Police Strategy in New York – Sexual Assault Against Peaceful Protesters
By David Graeber, Naked Capitalism | Report

May Day Hits Capitalism
By Richard D Wolff, RT News | Video

The Crushing Burden of Student Debt
By David Graeber, Mike Konczal, Brian Kalkbrenner and Sarah Jaffe, N+1 | Discussion Panel

Police Warrant Squads Were Used to Monitor Wall Street Protesters, Suspects Say
By Joseph Goldstein, The New York Times News Service | Report

Latest Batch of DHS Occupy Documents Contains New Details About Monitoring of Protest Movement
By Jason Leopold, JA Myerson, Yana Kunichoff and Mike Ludwig, Truthout | Report

Bored With Occupy – and Inequality: Class Issues Fade Along With Protest Coverage
By John Knefel, FAIR | News Analysis

Across New York City, People Honor May Day (Part II)
By JA Myerson, Truthout | News Analysis

The Department of Homeland Security Was Out of Bounds – for Two and a Half Hours
By JA Myerson, Truthout | Report

The Haymarket Affair and the Origins of May Day
By Jerry Elmer, New Clear Vision | Op-Ed

Across New York City, People Honor May Day
By JA Myerson, Truthout | Report

May Day
By Noam Chomsky, Zuccotti Park Press | Op-Ed

Wall Street Banks Coordinate to Fight May Day Protests, Compare Themselves to Elk Hunted by Wolves
By Travis Waldron, ThinkProgress | Report

Chicago to Welcome Militarized May Day?
By Yana Kunichoff, Truthout | Report

Occupy Oakland, Workers Back Off May Day Plan to Shut Down Golden Gate Bridge
By Susie Cagle, AlterNet | Report

Ahead of May Day, David Harvey Details Urban Uprisings From Occupy Wall Street to the Paris Commune
By Amy Goodman, Democracy NOW! | Video

Occupy and Failure
By Natasha Lennard, The Occupy! Gazette | Op-Ed

May Day’s Radical History: What Occupy is Fighting for This May 1st
Jacob Remes, AlterNet | News Analysis

Noam Chomsky: Occupy Points to a “Different Way of Living”
By John Feffer, Foreign Policy in Focus | Book Review

Demonstrators Confront Wells Fargo Shareholders
By David Bacon, Truthout | Photo Essay

Occupy, the 99 Percent Spring, and the New Age of Direct Action
By Mark Engler, Yes! Magazine | Report

Wall Street-Inflated Student Debt Bubble Hits $1 Trillion; Debtors Rally for Relief
By Sarah Jaffe, AlterNet | Report

Occupy Earth Day
By Mike Ewall, | News Analysis

Occupy the Courts: Corporate Personhood Reconsidered
By Stephen F. Diamond, Dissent Magazine | News Analysis

Occupy Wall Street’s Occupation of Wall Street Facing Eviction Despite Legal Protections
By Sarah Jaffe, AlterNet | Report

Higher Education’s Role in Occupy and Related Social Justice Movements
By Maura Stephens, Truthout | Op-Ed

Book on Occupy’s Tent City Era Helps Anchor Roots of Evolving Movement
by Michael Busch, Truthout | Interview

In Barcelona, Austerity With an Iron Fist
by Peter Gelderloos, Truthout | News Analysis

Erased Peoples, Excised Histories: On My Train Ride, the Tracks Form a Wake of Blood, Sweat and Tears
By Sarah Macaraeg, Truthout | News Analysis

Save Our Clinics: Chicago Activists Occupy to Save Mental Health Services
By Joe Macare, Truthout | Report

Real Talk, Not Hearsay, on the 99% Spring
By JA Myerson, Truthout | News Analysis

The Wonderful, Unpredictable Life of the Occupy Movement
By Arun Gupta, Truthout | Report

Photo Essay: Chicago Spring Takes the Streets
By Yana Kunichoff, Truthout | Photo Essay

The “Suicidal State” and the War on Youth
By Henry A Giroux, Truthout | Op-Ed

How Occupy Wall Street Plans to Take Down Bank of America, and How You Can Help
By Sarah Jaffe, AlterNet | Opinion

Poetry, Plasticity, Philosophical Activism
By David PalumboLiu, Truthout | Op-Ed

Occupy the Media: Truthout’s Jason Leopold Speaks to Free Speech TV on Homeland Security: the Occupy Files
By Jason Leopold, Free Speech TV | Interview

Time to Occupy the IRS?
By Danny Schechter, Consortium News | Op-Ed

Eyes on the Prize: Martin Luther King Jr.’s Lessons for Occupy
By Valerie Schloredt, Yes! Magazine | Interview

Ninety-Nine Percent Spring and Confronting Corporate Power
By George Goehl, Truthout | Op-Ed

West Virginia Retirees Occupy – and Win
By Jake Olzen, Waging Nonviolence | Report

OccupySF Inhabits Vacant Turk Street Building
By Occupy SF, Occupy SF | Report

Organizer: New York City Fare Strike Continues Trend of Militant Self-Organization
By JA Myerson, Truthout | Report

Susan Cagle on Mixed Media “Occupy” Coverage
By Occupy the Media, FreeSpeechTV | Video

Jason Leopold on Homeland Security “Occupy” Surveillance
By Occupy the Media, FreeSpeechTV | Video

Fault Lines: Occupy Wall Street: Surviving the Winter (Part 2)
By Fault Lines, Al Jazeera English | Report & Video

Let the Million Flowers Bloom
By William Rivers Pitt, Truthout | Essay

Fault Lines: History of an Occupation
By , Al Jazeera English | Video

The Occupy Files: DHS Investigated Anonymous and Kept Tabs on Political Hackers
By Mike Ludwig, Truthout | Report

Veterans Peace Team Joins Occupy Wall Street
By JA Myerson, Truthout | Report

DHS Monitoring OWS: The FOIA Docs
By Alyona Minkovski, RT America | Video

The American Spring: A Time for Occupy to Blossom
By Kevin Zeese, Countercurrents | Report

Documents Detail Widespread Confusion on DHS Involvement in Surveillance, Crackdown on Occupy
By Yana Kunichoff, Truthout | Report

DHS Denied Louisiana Fusion Center Request for Federal Intelligence on OWS
By JA Myerson, Truthout | Report

Homeland Security: The Occupy Files
By Staff, Truthout | Special Project

SUV Burning Spurred Internal Debate at DHS on Its Role Regarding Occupy, First Amendment Activity
By JA Myerson, Truthout | Report

DHS Turns Over Occupy Wall Street Documents to Truthout
By Jason Leopold, Truthout | Report

Gated Intellectuals and Ignorance in Political Life: Toward a Borderless Pedagogy in the Occupy Movement
By Henry A. Giroux, Truthout | Op-Ed

Occupy Should Force Obama’s Hand on Jobs
By Barbara G Ellis PhD, Truthout | New Analysis

Reclaiming Our Rights From HR 347
By Phil Rockstroh, Consortium News | Op-Ed

Re-Occupation and Police Raid of Zuccotti Park Set Tone for Radical Spring
By J.A. Myerson, Truthout | Report

Scores Arrested as the Police Clear Zuccotti Park
By Colin Moynihan , The New York Times News Service | Report

Occupying Democracy: A Moral Revolution for Social Justice
By Alan James Strachan Ph.D. and Janet Coster M.A., Truthout | Op-Ed

On Bank of America, Occupy Wall Street Has Told You So
By J.A. Myerson, Truthout | Report

Occupy Your Constitution
By Camilo A. Ramirez and Marcus Michelsen, Truthout | News Analysis

Infiltration of Political Movements Is the Norm, Not the Exception in the United States
By Kevin Zeese and Margaret Flowers, Occupy Washington, DC | News Analysis

Worker “Occupations” in 3 States Yield Successes, but Counterattack Begins
By Mike Elk, In These Times | Report

NYPD Under Fire for Surveillance of Occupy Protesters
By Colin Moynihan , The New York Times News Service | Report

Coming to a Bankster’s Mansion Driveway Near You: Occupy Our Homes
By Amy B. Dean, Truthout | News Analysis

Occupying Corporations: How to Cut Corporate Power
By Bill Quigley, Truthout | Op-Ed

Reclaiming the Commons
By Susie Cagle, Truthout | Graphic Journalism

Was Occupy’s “Shut Down the Corporations” Action a Success?
By Shamus Cooke, | Op-Ed

Spring Preview: Protesters Nationwide Occupy Corporations, Education
By Allison Kilkenny, In These Times | Report

Occupy Takes Aim at ALEC Today in 70 US Cities
By Yana Kunichoff, Truthout | Report

WikiLeaks Exposes Department of Homeland Security Spying on Occupy Movement
By Allison Kilkenny, In These Times | Report

C. Wright Mills Would Have Loved Occupy Wall Street
By Peter Dreier, Truthout | Tribute

Occupy Wall Street Rallies Monitored by Dow Chemical
By Lee Fang, Republic Report | Report

Ralph Nader: Occupy the Minimum Wage and Impact the Election
By Chris Hedges, Truthdig | Op-Ed

“A Terrible Sight”: Police Evict Occupy London, Arrest 20 Protesters
By Allison Kilkenny, In These Times | Report

Infiltration to Disrupt, Divide and Misdirect Is Widespread in Occupy (Part I)
By Kevin Zeese and Margaret Flowers, Occupy Washington, DC | Report

OWS PR Working Group Statement on the 99 Percent Declaration
By Press Relations Working Group, NYC General Assembly | Press Release

Occupy the Department of Education: Just What Education Activists Were Looking for
By J.A. Myerson, Truthout | News Analysis

Occupy for Prisoners Comes Out Against Mass Incarceration
By Yana Kunichoff, Truthout | Report

We Are All Greeks Now
By J.A. Myerson, Truthout | News Analysis

Mad, Passionate Love – and Violence: Occupy Heads into the Spring
By Rebecca Solnit, TomDispatch | News Analysis

Punishing Protest, Policing Dissent: What Is the Justice System for?
By Erik Hoffner, Truthout | News Analysis

When Oakland Is Under Attack, What Do We Do?
By Susie Cagle, Truthout | Graphic Journalism

Occupy Joins the Fight Against Private Prisons

By Rania Khalek, Truthout | Report

An Interview with Occupy the SEC About Their Volcker Rule Comment Letter
By Mike Konczal, New Deal 2.0 | Interview

Occupy Prisons: “We Must Not Turn Our Backs on Each Other…”
By Victoria Law, New Clear Vision | News Analysis

OWS Meets With Members of Dissident Movements From All Over the World
By J.A. Myerson, Truthout | Report

Occupy Has Raised Class Consciousness – Now What?
By Rose Aguilar, Truthout | Report

Occupy Draws Strength From the Powerless
By Chris Hedges, Truthdig | Op-Ed

Concerning the Violent Peace-Police: An Open Letter to Chris Hedges
By David Graeber, n+1 | Op-Ed

A Tale of One Activist’s Global Reach, From Pennsylvania to Bucharest
By J.A. Myerson, Truthout | Report

Occupy Movement Regroups, Preparing for Its Next Phase
By Erik Eckholm, The New York Times News Service | Report

Interview With Chris Hedges About Black Bloc
By J.A. Myerson, Truthout | Interview

Activists and Anarchists Speak for Themselves at Occupy Oakland
By Susie Cagle, Truthout | News Analysis

Bill Moyers: Where the Right Went Wrong
By Bill Moyers, Moyers & Co. | Interview and Video

Occupy Movement Regroups, Preparing for Its Next Phase
By Erik Eckholm, The New York Times News Service | Report

The People’s Media: Preventing Corporate Takeover of the Internet
By Joseph Torres, Yes! Magazine | News Analysis

Black Bloc: The Cancer in Occupy
By Chris Hedges, Truthdig | Op-Ed

Occupy DC Raided by Police in Riot Gear
By Travis Waldron, ThinkProgress | Report

New Rules for Radicals: Ten Ways to Spark Change in a Post-Occupy World
By Sara Robinson, AlterNet | Op-Ed

How “Occupy Our Homes” Can Win
By Amy Dean, Truthout | News Analysis

How Swedes and Norwegians Broke the Power of the “One Percent”
By George Lakey, Waging Nonviolence | Op-Ed

LA Police Department Conducts Joint Exercises with the Military
By Dan Bacher, AlterNet | Report

Occupy Oakland: An Illustrated History
By Susie Cagle, Truthout | Graphic Report

Occupying Libido: Negotiating a Landscape of Hypocrisy and Hungry Ghosts
By Phil Rockstroh, Pacific Free Press | Op-Ed

The Revolution Will Be Edible: Occupy Wall Street; the Arab Spring, No Bread, No Peace
By Liam Hysjulien, As It Ought to Be | News Analysis

The Corporate State Will Be Broken
By Chris Hedges, Truthdig | Op-Ed

America Wakes Up to the Reality: Inequality Matters
By Bill Moyers and Michael Winship, Truthout | Op-Ed

Occupy DC: Empowering the 99 Percent

By J.A. Myerson, Truthout | News Analysis

Occupy the Congress: Do You Smell a Rat?

By J.A. Myerson, Truthout | News Analysis

Occupy the Neighborhood: How Counties Can Use Land Banks and Eminent Domain
By Ellen Brown, Truthout | News Analysis

On Eve of MLK Day, Michelle Alexander and Randall Robinson on the Mass Incarceration of Black America
By Amy Goodman and Juan Gonzalez, Democracy Now! | Video Interview

Big Shoulders in Chicago and Kabul: Get Ready for NATO in May
By Kathy Kelly, Truthout | Op-Ed

Bill Moyers: Occupy a Cause
By Bill Moyers, Moyers & Co. | Video

In 2012, the Real Conversation Will Be in the Occupations, While Corporate Candidates Have a False Conversation
By Kevin Zeese and Margaret Flowers, | Op-Ed

In New Hampshire, Occupiers Live Free or “Die-In”
By J.A. Myerson, Truthout | News Analysis

As “Right to Work” Law Looms, Indiana Occupiers Join With Limestone Strikers
By Joseph Varga, Labor Notes

Occupying Fears About Iran
By Winslow Myers, Consortium News | News Analysis

OWS, Egypt Expose Limits of Town Square Test
By Jeffrey Wasserstrom, Miller-McCune | News Analysis

Why Is Wisconsin Different?
By Paul Buhle, Dissent Magazine | Op-Ed

How to Sustain a Revolution
By Stephanie Van Hook, Metta Center for Nonviolence | Op-Ed

Occupy the Caucus: Dozens Arrested Challenging Corporate Influence in Iowa
By Mike Ludwig, Truthout | Report

Super PACs, Occupy Iowa Protests and a Surging Rick Santorum: Iowa GOP Caucus Begins 2012 Race

By Amy Goodman, Democracy Now! | Interview

Year of Global Uprisings, From the Arab Spring to Occupy Wall Street: A Special Look Back at 2011

By Amy Goodman, Democracy NOW! | Transcript

How Will the Occupy Movement Evolve?

By Maria Armoudian, Truthout | Op-Ed

Populism Isn’t Dead, It’s Marching: What 19th Century Farmers Can Teach Occupiers About How to Keep Going
By Ashley Sanders, War Is A | Op-Ed

Let’s Double Our Efforts to Raise a Ruckus
By Michael Moore, | Op-Ed

For the Rich, by the Rich? Why the 2nd Anniversary of Citizens United Should be on Your Calender
By Rachel Lewis, Public Citizen | News Analysis

The Year Dissent Came Back
By Joe Macare, Truthout | News Analysis

Low Friends in High Places: Triad of Business, Cops and Politicians Attack Occupy
By Carl Finamore, CounterPunch | News Analysis

The Rain and the Reckoning
By William Rivers Pitt, Truthout | Op-Ed

The Belittle Big Bodies Banzai: A Year-End OWS Salute and Immune Key to 2012
By W. David Kubiak, Truthout | Op-Ed

The Port Shutdown Controversy: Corporate Profit vs. the Right to Protest
By Jack Heyman, Truthout | News Analysis

Strategic Frames of the Occupy Movement
By Joe Brewer, | News Analysis

The Campaign to “Decolonize” Oakland: Native Americans Say “Occupy” Terminology Is Offensive
By Queena Kim, Truthout | Report

Ten Winning Moments for the 99% in 2011
Sarah Jaffe, AlterNet | News Analysis

Occupy the Caucus: Occupy Iowa to be First in the Nation to Take Action
By Mike Ludwig, Truthout | Report

Occupy Rigged Elections: A Call for the Second American Revolution in 2012
By Victoria Collier and Ronnie Cummins, Truthout | Op-Ed

Small Occupy Movements Across the Country Accumulate Victories
By Rose Aguilar, Truthout | Report

Occupy Wall Street, Mass Media and Progressive Change in the Tea Party Era: Our Window of Opportunity
By Anthony DiMaggio and Paul Street, Truthout | News Analysis

The Way to Occupy a Bank Is to Own One
By Ellen Brown, Truthout | News Analysis

“The Protester” Becomes Time’s Person of the Year, Wants More
By J.A. Myerson, Truthout | News Analysis

Compassion Is Our New Currency: Notes on 2011’s Preoccupied Hearts and Minds
By Rebecca Solnit, | Op-Ed

Greg Palast: Our Photographer – and His Lens – Busted at Occupy
By Greg Palast, Truthout | Report

Re-Occupy: A Movement Seeks a Sanctuary
By Nathan Schneider, Yes! Magazine | Op-Ed

Occupation 2.0: Occupy Wall Street Challenges Neighboring Church, and Capitalism
By J.A. Myerson, Truthout | News Analysis

Ethnic Media: Where Do Immigrants Stand on Occupy?
By Staff, New America Media | News Analysis

Occupy the Constitution: Get Money Out of Politics!
By David DeGraw, Occupy Wall Street News | Report

Bodies in Alliance: Gender Theorist Judith Butler on the Occupy and SlutWalk Movements
By Kyle Bella, Truthout | Interview

Occupy Supporters Should Reach Out to Local Economic Justice Campaigns

By Annette Bernhardt and Anastasia Christman, Truthout | Op-Ed

The Making of the American 99 Percent and the Collapse of the Middle Class

By Barbara Ehrenreich and John Ehrenreich, TomDispatch/The Nation | Op-Ed

Not a Revolution?

By Richard Lichtman, Truthout | News Analysis

You Cannot Handcuff a Movement Whose Time Has Come: Why I Was Arrested at the State Capitol

By Jesse Hagopian, Truthout | Op-Ed

Is the Use of the Military Designed for the Occupy Movement?

By Kevin Zeese, | News Analysis

I Ain’t Got No Home: (Re)learning the Value of Place and Occupying a Sustainable Future

By Tina Lynn Evans, New Clear Vision | Op-Ed

Over 1,500 March at Occupy Oakland’s Port of Oakland Demonstration; Police Say, “No Work Stoppage”
By Susan Mernit, Oakland Local | Report

Protesters Occupy Goldman Sachs

By J.A. Myerson, Truthout | News Analysis

Occupy Moves to the Home Front

By Nathan Schneider, YES! Magazine | Report

Occupy Your Education: A Note to Students About Changing the World

By Jason Del Gandio, Truthout | Op-Ed

Boston Police Pass on Evicting Occupy Protesters
By Jess Bidgood, The New York Times News Service | Report

Occupy Oakland Takes on Foreclosure Crisis

By Peter Schurmann, New America Media | Report

Occupy Ourselves

By Randall Amster, New Clear Vision | Op-Ed

Finally, Higher Taxes for the 1% – Is Occupy Behind Governors’ Moves to Make the Wealthy Pay Their Share?

By Sarah Jaffe, AlterNet | Report

Occupy the Police State
By Jason Leopold, Truthout | Report

Occupy Wall Street Hunger Strikers

By J.A. Myerson, Truthout | News Analysis

Occupy Our Homes

By J.A. Myerson, Truthout | News Analysis

LA and Occupy LA Agree: It’s Time to End Corporate Personhood

By Brooke Jarvis, YES! Magazine | Report

Bank of America Takes Occupy Foreclosure Actions Seriously, Warns Employees “We Need to Be Prepared”

By Pat Garofalo , ThinkProgress | Report

Families Join the Occupy Movement as the 99 Percent Takes On the Housing Crisis

By Mike Ludwig, Truthout | Report

Michael Moore: The Winter of Our Occupation

By Michael Moore, | Op-Ed

The Future of the Occupy Movement

By Jules Lobel, Jurist | Op-Ed

Unions and Immigrants Join Occupy Movements
By David Bacon, Truthout | Photo Essay

Why the “Left” Establishment Can’t Create Demands for the Occupy Movement

By J.A. Myerson, Truthout | News Analysis

Where Were You When They Crucified My Movement?
By Chris Hedges, Truthdig | Op-Ed

How the 1 Percent Can Camp Out with the 99 Percent

By Jim Hightower, OtherWords | Op-Ed

Social Movements vs. “Social Movements”: Comparing Occupy and the Tea Party

By Scott Borchert, Truthout | Interview

Occupy CUNY: Education Should Be Available to All

By J.A. Myerson, Truthout | News Analysis

Scott Walker’s New Policy May Result in Protesters Being Charged for the Pepper Spray Used Against Them

By Faiz Shakir, ThinkProgress | Report

Hundreds of OccupyLA Demonstrators Held for Days Without Charges on $5,000 Bail in Often Deplorable, Illegal, and Unconstitutional Conditions

By Ernest A. Canning, The Brad Blog | Report

Occupy Production: A Vision for Democracy at Work
By Richard D. Wolff, Truthout | Op-Ed

OWS “Truth-Force” Obliterates New York Police Department Barricade at Lincoln Center Plaza

By Jayashri Wyatt, Truthout | News Analysis

Occupy the American Historical Association: Demand a WPA Federal Writers’ Project

By Jesse Lemisch, History News Network | Op-Ed

Cops Invade Occupy Boston to Seize Its Sink

By Brad Johnson, ThinkProgress | Report

The 99 Percent Takes Office: Lessons From a Rhode Island Special Election
By Amy Dean, Truthout | News Analysis

Occupy Demands: Let’s Radicalize Our Analysis of Empire, Economics, Ecology

By Robert Jensen, Truthout | Op-Ed

Top GOP Strategist Admits He’s “Scared” Of Occupy Wall Street Because It’s “Having An Impact”

By Zaid Jilani, ThinkProgress | Report

Occupying Wall Street and Tahrir Square: Feathers of the Same Bird

By J.A. Myerson, Truthout | News Analysis

LA Mayor Says He Evicted Protesters Out of Concern for Children, But City Has 13,000 Homeless Kids

By Zaid Jilani, ThinkProgress | Report

Capitalism in the Spotlight in the Occupy Movement

By Arjun Jayadev, TripleCrisis | News Analysis

Occupy Your Life

By Jan Hart, Truthout | Op-Ed

Wall Street Is Already Occupied

By Jesse Eisinger, ProPublica | Op-Ed

Occupy’s Radicalism Prompts Disdain From Liberal Class

By Joe Macare, In These Times | Op-Ed

Arundhati Roy: “The People Who Created the Crisis Will Not Be the Ones That Come Up With a Solution”
By Arun Gupta, The Guardian UK | Op-Ed

Why OWS is Allowed to Have iPads and Laptops

By Brandi Lupo, New Deal 2.0 | Op-Ed

What If They Sent in Social Services to Help Occupations Instead of Riot Cops to Bust Heads?
By Joshua Holland, AlterNet | News Analysis

The Power of Occupy Wall Street Is Not Just What They’re Doing, But How They’re Doing It
By Sarah Jaffe, AlterNet | Op-Ed

Occupy Wall Street’s Next Challenge
By Danny Schechter, Consortium News | Op-Ed

The Global Occupy Movement Challenges the Transnational Corporate Class Propaganda Machine

By Peter Phillips, The Daily Censored | Op-Ed

Occupy Congress: Norman Solomon Sees a Role for Progressive Legislators
By Robert Jensen, Truthout | Report

Take Our Children, Please!

By Steve Fraser, TomDispatch | Op-Ed

The Occupy Movement Focuses on Foreclosures

By Alan Jenkins, Campaign for America’s Future | Op-Ed

Los Angeles Police Withdraw After Occupy Eviction Deadline Passes

By Jennifer Medina, The New York Times News Service | Report

“How Could This Happen in America?” Why Police Are Treating Americans Like Military Threats

By William Hogeland, AlterNet | News Analysis

The Democratic Promise of Occupy Wall Street

By William Greider, The Nation | News Analysis

Will Rogers on Occupy Wall Street

By Steve Russell, The Rag Blog | Op-Ed

Occupy Wall Street Talking Points: Who You Calling Slacker?

By Ralph Lopez, War Is a Crime | Op-Ed

Vacant or Occupied: Where Do the 99 Percent Go When Nature Calls?
By J.A. Myerson, Truthout | News Analysis

Occupy Elections, With a Simple Message

By George Lakoff, Truthout | Op-Ed

Occupy the Majority

By E.J. Dionne Jr. , The Washington Post Writers Group | Op-Ed

Occupy Everywhere: Michael Moore, Naomi Klein on Next Steps for the Movement Against Corporate Power

By Amy Goodman, Democracy NOW! | Report

Occupy the Budget

By Sarah Anderson, Truthout | Op-Ed

Giving Thanks for the Occupation, Election, Demonstrations

By Leo Gerard, Campaign for America’s Future | Op-Ed

Can There Be Solidarity Between Movement Activists and Police Officers?

By Randall Amster, New. Clear. Vision. | News Analysis

Occupy Peace

By David Krieger, Truthout | Op-Ed

FBI Claims It Does Not Have Any Documents on Occupy Wall Street

By Jason Leopold, Truthout | Report

Don’t Sit This One Out – What’s Your Vision for Occupy Wall Street?

By Michael Moore, | Op-Ed

OWS: To Change the Country, We Just Might Have to Change Ourselves

By Don Hazen, AlterNet | Op-Ed

This Changes Everything: How the 99% Woke Up

By Sarah van Gelder, YES! Magazine | Book Excerpt

Occupying Jail
by J.A. Myerson, Truthout | News Analysis

Rules of Engagement for Non-Profits and Unions Working with the #Occupy Movement
By Jason Pramas, Open Media Boston | Op-Ed

Time for Obama to Act to End Police-State Violence Against the Occupiers
By Dave Lindorff , This Can’t Be Happening | Op-Ed

Pepper Spray Video ‘Iconic Moment’ of OWS
By Lawrence O’Donnell, The Last Word | Video

The Supercommittee Should Go Really Big and Turn Against the 1 Percent
By Dean Baker, Truthout | Op-Ed

The People’s Surveillance State
By William Rivers Pitt, Truthout | Op-Ed

Occupy Colleges Now: Students as the New Public Intellectuals
By Henry A. Giroux, Truthout | News Analysis

How the 99 Percent Won in the Fight for Worker Rights
By Andy Kroll , TomDispatch | News Analysis

Washington Lobbyists Crafted $850,000 Secret Plan For Bank Lobbyists To Undermine Occupy Wall Street
By Zaid Jilani, Think Progress | Report

The Trashing of the People’s Library
By Danny Schechter, Consortium News | Report

National Lawyers Guild Files FOIA Requests Seeking Evidence of Federal Role in Occupy Crackdown
By Dave Lindorff , This Can’t Be Happening | Report

Lobbyists Target Occupy Wall Street
By Chris Hayes, Up w/ Chris Hayes | Video

Who’s Wrecking America? Meet Your 1 Percent Nominees
By Robert Greenwald, Brave New Foundation | News Analysis

Freezing Free Speech: Winter Tents Are “Contraband” for Occupy Boston
By Brad Johnson, ThinkProgress | Report

SF State Students Stage Walkout in Solidarity With Occupy UC Movement
By Michael Barba, New America Media | Report

Officers Put on Leave After Pepper Spraying Protesters
By Brian Stelter, The New York Times News Service | Report

City Dismisses 9 Cases of Occupy Sacramento Protesters
By Dan Bacher, AlterNet | Report

Occupy Nashville Infiltrates and Disrupts Rumsfeld FundraiserBy Zaid Jilani, ThinkProgress | Report

Peaceful Occupy Oakland Protester Faces Deportation
By Jorge Rivas, ColorLines | Report

Occupy the Ocean, Occupy the Delta
By Dan Bacher, AlterNet | News Analysis

Caught on Camera: Ten Shockingly Violent Police Assaults on Occupy Protesters
By Joshua Holland, AlterNet | Report

Even in Churches, Wall Street Protesters Can’t Escape Watch of PoliceBy Sharon Otterman , The New York Times News Service | Report

Welcome Home: Building an Inclusive Movement for the 99 Percent
By Randall Amster, Fellowship of Reconciliation | News Analysis

Unions Join Occupy Activists in Mass Protest Marches Across AmericaBy Lesley Clark and Gianna Palmer, McClatchy Newspapers | Report

Thousands Protest in Chicago as Emanuel’s “Devastating” Budget Is Approved
By Yana Kunichoff, Truthout | Report

Two Hundred Are Arrested as Occupy Protesters Mark Two-Month Anniversary
By Cara Buckley, The New York Times News Service | Report

Just How Much Can the State Restrict a Peaceful Protest?
By Braden Goyette, ProPublica | News Analysis

“Go. Leave. You Can’t Be Here”: What Happened When I Tried to Investigate the Connection Between the NYPD and Brookfield Properties, Zuccotti’s Owners
By Nick Turse, AlterNet | Report

On State Violence, White Male Privilege and “Occupy”
By Nancy A. Heitzeg, Criminal InJustice | News Analysis

An Interfaith Occupation
By Adam DeRose, Yes! Magazine | Report

San Francisco Police Arrest 100 in Bank of America Protest
By Maura Dolan, The Los Angeles Times | Report

NBA Players: Welcome to the 99 Percent
By Dave Zirin, The Nation | Op-Ed

Lessons We Can Learn From Egypt
By Mehrdad Azemun, Truthout | Op-Ed

Still Occupied
By Eugene Robinson, The Washington Post Writers Group | Op-Ed

This Is What America Looks Like
By William Rivers Pitt, Truthout | Op-Ed

Occupy Wall Street Strikes Back, Takes Over Financial District With Protests

By Zaid Jilani, ThinkProgress | Report

Brookfield Deploys Private Security Squadron to Liberty Plaza Park

By J.A. Myerson, Truthout | Report

Occupy Wall Street Protest Live Blog

By Truthout, Truthout | Live Blog

Occupy: Cathedrals and Ivory Towers

By David Palumbo-Liu, Truthout | Op-Ed

Power to the Peaceful: Holding Space as OWS Camps Come Under Assault

By Randall Amster, New Clear Vision | Op-Ed

Seattle Police Pepper-Spray Pastor

By Rev. Rich Lang, Consortium News | Report

They Can’t Evict the Ninety-Nine Percent

By Roger Hickey, Campaign for America’s Future | Op-Ed

Power to the Peaceful: Holding Space as OWS Camps Come Under Assault

By Randall Amster, New Clear Vision | Op-Ed

Smear Campaigns Fuel Shutdowns of Occupations Across Country

By Michael Corcoran, Truthout | News Analysis

This Is What Revolution Looks Like

By Chris Hedges, Truthdig | Op-Ed

Egypt-Style Attacks On Several Occupy Camps

By Dave Johnson, Campaign for America’s Future | Op-Ed

An Interfaith Occupation

By Adam DeRose, Yes! Magazine | Report

What Do You Do When You Can’t Shut It Down?
By Amy C. Offner, n+1 Magazine | Op-Ed

Six Burning Questions About the Violent Crackdowns on Occupations Around the Country
By Lynn Parramore, AlterNet | Op-Ed

Re-Occupy, ASAP
By Susan Galleymore, CounterPunch | Op-Ed

The Agora at Liberty Square
By Camillo “Mac” Bica , Truthout | Report

Berkeley Activist Hit by Police Explains How Several UC Regents Profit from Higher Levels of Student Debt
By Lee Fang, ThinkProgress | Report

As Zuccotti Park Is Cleared, Congress Moves to Gut Financial Reform
By Mary Bottari, PR Watch | News Analysis

Occupy Movement Prepares for Mass Day of Action in Defiance of Crackdowns
By Mike Ludwig, Truthout | Report

After the Zuccotti Park Raid
By Danny Schechter, Consortium News | News Analysis

Criticism, Violence and Roosting Chickens
By Richard D. Wolff, Truthout

This Morning at Occupy Wall Street
By Matt Renner, Truthout | Report

Violence and Vandalism Don’t Threaten the System, Occupy’s Positive Image Does

By J.A. Myerson, Truthout | Op-Ed

Government Shutdowns Get the 1% What They Want

By Dave Johnson, Campaign for America’s Future | Op-Ed

Why the Occupy Movement is Good for Our Health

By Julie Matthaei and Neil Wollman, Common Dreams | Op-Ed

Media Coverage Fails to Tell the Personal Stories of Occupy Protesters

By Rose Aguilar, Truthout | Report

Police Begin Clearing Zuccotti Park of Protesters

By Colin Moynihan and Corey Kilgannon, The New York Times News Service | Report

Labor And The Occupiers: A Natural Fit

By Dick Meister, Dick Meister’s Blog | Op-Ed

New York Lawyers Guild Obtains Temporary Restraining Order Against Brookfield, Protesters Plan Day of Actions

By Sarah Seltzer, AlterNet | Report

Video: New York Police Surround Zuccotti Park, Evict Occupy Wall Street During Midnight Raid

By Lee Fang, ThinkProgress | Report

Can’t Find The Protest Songs? Check Inside The Movement

By Ryan Harvey, Even If Your Voice Shakes | Op-Ed

Harvard Students Join the Movement

By Richard D. Wolff, MRZine | News Analysis

The Battles of Occupy Portland

By Shamus Cooke, Veracity Voice | Report

At Least 6 Occupy Encampments Attacked Across America, But Protesters Willing to Fight

By Julianne Escobedo Shepherd, AlterNet | Report

The Originality of Occupy Wall Street

By Richard D. Wolff, | Op-Ed

“Occupy” and Hope for a Human Spring in Afghanistan

By The Afghan Youth Peace Volunteers, Truthout | Op-Ed

Veterans at Occupy Sacramento Speak Out Against War, Arrests

By Dan Bacher, AlterNet | Op-Ed

Occupy Wall Street: Crafting a Constitutional Amendment to Stop the 1%

By Greg Colvin, Campaign for America’s Future | Op-Ed

Occupy Oakland Reacts to Thursday’s Violence in Ogawa Plaza
By Eric K. Arnold, Oakland Local | Report

Start a Business?! How ‘Bout Occupy Entrepreneurship?

By Chris Rabb, Tech & Sensibility | Op-Ed

Occupy Homes: New Coalition Links Homeowners, Activists in Direct Action to Halt Foreclosures

By Amy Goodman, Democracy Now! | Report

From Occupy Wall Street to Occupy the Neighborhoods

By Paul Rogat Loeb, Truthout | Op-Ed

Start a Business?! How ‘Bout Occupy Entrepreneurship?

By Chris Rabb, Tech & Sensibility | Op-Ed

Occupy Oakland Reacts to Thursday’s Violence in Ogawa Plaza

By Eric K. Arnold, Oakland Local | Report

Man Outed as Undercover Cop at Occupy Oakland Condemns Police Brutality, Supports the Movement

By Zaid Jilani, ThinkProgress | Report

Washington Heights Residents Challenge Occupy’s Reputation as a “White-Led” Movement
By J.A. Myerson, Truthout | News Analysis

UC Campus Police Move in on Student Protesters

By Nanette Asimov and Justin Berton, San Francisco Chronicle | Report

Social Justice Groups Engage Occupy Movement

By Ambika Kandasamy, New America Media | Report

Police Use Batons to Clear Occupy Berkeley Camps (Video)

By Mike Ludwig, Truthout | Report

Occupy the Press

By Susan J. Douglas, In These Times | News Analysis

Protest Planet: How a Neoliberal Shell Game Created an Age of Activism

By Juan Cole, TomDispatch | News Analysis

At Sotheby’s and Beyond, “Occupy” Movement Boosts Unions

By Mark Brenner and Jenny Brown, Labor Notes | Op-Ed

Occupy Activists Plan March From NYC to DC

By Allison Kilkenny, In These Times | Report

Occupy Northwest – Bellingham and Tacoma

By David Bacon, Truthout | Photo Essay

We Are the One Percent … And We Stand With the Ninety-Nine Percent

By Jesse Estrin, Yes! Magazine | Op-Ed

Greg Palast Tracks the Vultures of the 1 Percent: A Truthout Interview

By Mark Karlin, Truthout | Interview

Why is the Oakland Police Department Hiding the Truth About Its Violent Crackdown on the Occupy Protests?

By Joshua Holland, AlterNet | News Analysis

Occupy Wall Street Joins an Assembly of Struggles in Athens
By Nathan Schneider, Waging Nonviolence | News Analysis

No Matter What, Blame the Protesters
By Paul Krugman, Krugman & Co. | Op-Ed

Time to Occupy Voting?: Progressive Upsurge Faces Tough Test in Ohio
By Van Jones, Truthout | Op-Ed

Occupy Northwest – Seattle
By David Bacon, Truthout | Photo Essay

Occupy Movement is Spreading and Growing

By Dave Johnson, Campaign for America’s Future | News Analysis

We Are the 99 Percent – and So Is The Planet

By J.A. Myerson, Truthout | News Analysis

Finding Freedom in Handcuffs

By Chris Hedges, Truthdig | Op-Ed

Wall Street Pay Expected to Fall 20 to 30 Percent

By Susanne Craig, New York Times News Service | Report

Making Safer Spaces: Occupy Wall Street Addresses Questions of Security at Zuccotti Park
By Melissa Gira Grant, AlterNet | Report

Occupy Chicago Calls Out Gov. Scott Walker
By Matt Renner, Truthout | Video

On the News With Thom Hartmann: Occupy Wall Street Is Bringing Down the Big Banks, and More
By Thom Hartmann, The Thom Hartmann Program

“The Whole World’s Watching”
By Richard L. Fricker , The Oklahoma Observer | Report

Unity Is Strength for Progressives
By Amy Dean, Truthout | News Analysis

OWS Oakland Takes Over City, Shutting Down One of the Biggest Ports in the Country – But Nightfall Brings More Chaos and Teargas
By Joshua Holland, AlterNet | Report

Occupy the Koch Brothers – and Stop the American Nightmare
By Isaiah J. Poole , Campaign for America’s Future | Op-Ed

Protest Changes Austerity Debate
By Paul Krugman, Krugman & Co. | Op-Ed

Policing the 99 Percent (Part 1)
By Terrance Heath, Campaign for America’s Future

Business Leader: “I’m So Grateful to Occupy Wall Street”
By Rinaldo Brutoco, Truthout | Op-Ed

Occupy the Future
By Noam Chomsky, Truthout | Speech

The World Is Finally Fighting Off the Infection of Neoliberalism
By Scott Charney, Foreign Policy in Focus | Op-Ed

The Occupiers’ Responsive Chord
By Robert Reich, Robert Reich’s Blog | Op-Ed

Four Simple Steps for Taking Your Money Out of the Vampire Banks
By Lynn Parramore, AlterNet | Op-Ed

“Click, Clack, Moo”: Why the One Percent Always Wins
By Paul Thomas, The Daily Censored | Op-Ed

Volunteer Attorneys Steer Occupy Protesters Through the Legal System
By Tony Pugh, McClatchy Newspapers | Report

Happy Halloween, Rush: From All of Us “Human Debris”
By Dr. Brian Moench, Truthout | Op-Ed

Cantor Rakes In Wall Street Donations While Calling Occupy Protesters a “Mob”
By Pat Garofalo , ThinkProgress | Report

Michael Moore: “There’s No Turning Back!”
By Felipe Messina, Media Roots | Video with Transcript

Occupy Protest at St. Paul’s Cathedral in London Divides Church
By John F. Burns, The New York Times News Service | Report

On the News With Thom Hartmann: Snow Can’t Put a Stop to Occupy Wall Street, and More
By Thom Hartmann, The Thom Hartmann Program | News Report

Occupy Oakland Encampment Creates a Community
By David Bacon, Truthout | Photo Essay

Supercommittee of the One Percent Won’t Even Think of Taxing Wall Street
By Dean Baker, Truthout | News Analysis

Why Paul Ryan Is Unhappy
By E.J. Dionne Jr. , The Washington Post Writers Group | Op-Ed

A Master Class in Occupation
By Chris Hedges, Truthdig | Op-Ed

The Significance of Occupy Wall Street
By John Clark, New Clear Vision | Op-Ed

Demand to Get the Money Out of Politics: A “One Demand” for Occupy Wall Street?
By Ralph Lopez, War Is a Crime | Op-Ed

Occupy Wall Street at Valley Forge
By Tom Engelhardt, TomDispatch | Op-Ed

How the 99 Percent Really Lost Out – in Far Greater Ways Than the Occupy Protesters Imagine
By Gar Alperovitz, Truthout | Op-Ed

Occupy Oakland: Peace and Prosperity – Is That Too Much to Ask For?
By Max Eternity, Max | Report

Gandhi Meets Monty Python at Occupy Wall Street: The Comedic Turn in Nonviolent Tactics
By Wayne Grytting, Waging Nonviolence | Op-Ed

Plutocratic Government Tries to Beat Down #Occupy
By Dave Johnson, Campaign for America’s Future | Op-Ed

Unequal Justice: Banker Arrests, Zero; Protester Arrests, 2,511
By Bruce Judson, New Deal 2.0 | Op-Ed

Then They Fight You
By William Rivers Pitt, Truthout | Op-Ed

Democratic Boundaries: Corporate Cash vs. the 99 Percent
By Andrew Stelzer, in collaboration with Truthout’s Mike Ludwig, Making Contact/Truthout | Audio Report

Michael Moore: “There’s No Turning Back!”
By Felipe Messina, Media Roots | Transcript

A Dose of Reality for MTV, or the 1 Percent Monetizes Protest Against the 1 Percent
By J.A. Myerson, Truthout | News Analysis

Occupy Oakland Regroups in Frank Ogawa Plaza
By David Bacon, Truthout | Photo Essay

Occupy Oakland Encampment Creates a Community
By David Bacon, Truthout | Photo Essay

Volunteer Attorneys Steer Occupy Protesters Through the Legal System
By Tony Pugh, McClatchy Newspapers | Report

Occupy Protest at St. Paul’s Cathedral in London Divides Church
By John F. Burns, The New York Times News Service | Report

Demand to Get the Money Out of Politics: A “One Demand” for Occupy Wall Street?
By Ralph Lopez, War Is a Crime | Op-Ed

Occupy the Winter of Our Discontent
By David Swanson, War Is a Crime | Op-Ed

Occupy the Amazon: Brazilian Amazon Groups Invade Site of Dam Project
By Alexei Barrionuevo, New York Times News Service | Report

Occupy Oakland Protesters Remain in Legal Limbo After Release From Jail
By Elise Ackerman, Oakland Local | Report

Gandhi’s Wings: Occupy Wall Street and the Redistribution of Anxiety
By Robert Johnson, AlterNet | Op-Ed

Occupy Berkeley, Why So Quiet?
By Zaineb Mohammed, New American Media | Report

Nashville Reporter Tapes His Own Arrest, Records Apparent Police Misconduct as Peaceful Protesters Detained
By Lee Fang, Think Progress | Report

Thirty Years of Unleashed Greed
By Robert Scheer, Truthdig | Op-Ed

Life Among the One Percent
By Michael Moore, | Op-Ed

Have and Have-Not Nation
By Eugene Robinson, The Washington Post Writers Group | Op-Ed

Speaking Up for That “1 Percent”
By Joe Conason, Truthout | Op-Ed

Ten Reasons Not to Bank On (or With) Bank of America
By Nomi Prins, Truthout | News Analysis

Iraq War Vet Hospitalized With Fractured Skull After Being Shot by Police at Occupy Oakland Protest
By Amy Goodman, Democracy NOW! | Report

Occupy Updates: Oakland Protesters Tear Down Fence to Reclaim Space, NYPD Gets Violent During Solidarity March
By Lauren Kelley, AlterNet | Report

Lessons From the Original Occupation: Madison’s Sheriff Dave Mahoney
By Mary Bottari, Truthout | Interview

Meeting Violence With Nonviolence: Why the Occupy Movement Will Succeed
By Jake Olzen, Waging Nonviolence | Op-Ed

The Occupy Wall Street Victory: Filling a Hole in Democracy
By Jeff Madrick, TripleCrisis | Op-Ed

Someone Got Rich and Someone Got Sick: Nature Is the 99 Percent, Too
By Chip Ward, TomDispatch | Op-Ed

Half a Percent for Ninety Nine Percent!
By Kieran Manjarrez, Woodchip Gazette | Op-Ed

Occupy Wall Street’s Battle Against American-Style Authoritarianism
By Henry A. Giroux, Truthout | News Analysis

Toward a Non-Violent Revolution
By Gary G. Kohls, Consortium News | Op-Ed

The Mainstream Media’s Fear of Occupy Wall Street
By Danny Schechter, Consortium News | Op-Ed

Occupy Wall Street, 1979
By John Cavanagh and Robin Broad, Yes! Magazine | Op-Ed

The Significance of Occupy Wall Street
By John Clark, New Clear Vision | Op-Ed

Immunity and Impunity in Elite America
By Glenn Greenwald, TomDispatch | Op-Ed

The Bush Tax Cuts and the 99 Percent
By James Kwak, The Baseline Scenario | Op-Ed

Policing the 99 Percent (Part 1)
By Terrance Heath, Campaign for America’s Future | Op-Ed

The Tea Party Versus Occupy Wall Street: Guess Which One Is the Real Populist Movement
By David Morris , AlterNet | Op-Ed

The Stunning Victory That Occupy Wall Street Has Already Achieved
By Joshua Holland, AlterNet | Op-Ed

Occupy Writers: A Mirror of and a Stimulant for the Occupy Movement
By J.A. Myerson, Truthout | News Analysis

Occupy Wall Street Draws Collective Yawn in Latin America
By Louis Nevaer, New American Media | News Analysis

Oakland Police Use Rubber Bullets, Flash Grenades and Smoke Bombs to Evict Occupy Oakland
By Zaid Jilani, ThinkProgress | Report

Blunt – Make Wall Street Pay; Special Guest, John Dean
By GottaLaff, The Political Carnival | Op-Ed

Rick Perry: Standing Tall for the 1 Percent
By Robert Borosage, Campaign for America’s Future | Op-Ed

Republicans Say, Tax Poor, Not the 1 Percent
By Robert Borosage, Campaign for America’s Future | Op-Ed

Can the Power of Occupy Wall Street Make Obama a Populist?
By Matt Stoller, AlterNet | Op-Ed

Putting the Global Occupy Movement in Context: Who Are These Protesters, and What Do They Want?
By Lois Beckett, ProPublica | News Analysis

The Occupy Movement: What Democracy Looks Like
By Ivan Boothe, Fellowship of Reconciliation | News Analysis

What “Diversity of Tactics” Really Means for Occupy Wall Street
By Nathan Schneider, Waging Nonviolence | News Analysis

Michael Moore and Cornel West on Occupy Wall Street, Iraq and the Progressive Discontent Obama Faces in 2012 Vote
By Amy Goodman, Democracy Now! | Interview

“Throw Them Out With the Trash”: Why Homelessness Is Becoming an Occupy Wall Street Issue
By Barbara Ehrenreich, TomDispatch | News Analysis

Cornel West, Others Arrested as ‘Stop Stop-and-Frisk’ Movement Against Police Abuse Kicks Off With Occupy Wall Street Support
By Anna Lekas Miller, AlterNet | Report

Occupiers Have to Convince the Other 99 Percent
By Chris Hedges, Truthdig | News Analysis

Why Occupy Wall Street Is the Next Republican Boogeyman
By Thom Hartmann, The Thom Hartmann Program | News Analysis

October2011 Movement Closes Citibank to Protest Record Profits Made at the Expense of Human Needs
By Kevin Zeese, | Report

I Could Get Used to Winning
By Danny Lucia, | Op-Ed

Dean Baker on How We Can Make the “Free Market” Work for the 99 Percent
By Joshua Holland and Dean Baker, AlterNet | Interview

Nurses Condemn Chicago Mayor Emanuel for Arrest Of Nurses, Medical Volunteers at Occupy Chicago
By National Nurses United | Report

Food System Pays Dearly as Wall Street Occupies Washington
By Ben Lilliston, OtherWords | Op-Ed

Depth Needed in News Coverage of Wall Street
By Jesse Laird, Truthout | Op-Ed

(Un)occupy Albuquerque Connects Corporate Greed to Fight for Native Land
By Jorge Rivas, | Report

“It Should Be Like This Everywhere”: The Free Economy of Liberty Plaza Park
By J.A. Myerson, Truthout | News Analysis

“Occupy Obama” Could Turn Up Heat on the Democrats
By John Stauber, Truthout | Op-Ed

How to Make Banks Really Mad: Occupy Foreclosures
By Mike Konczal, New Deal 2.0 | Op-Ed

The Choice Between Democracy and Autocracy
By David Sirota, Truthout | Op-Ed

Some Unsolicited Advice to the Democratic Party: Cave to Occupy Wall Street Movement
By J.A. Myerson, Truthout | Op-Ed

Can the Fed Prevent the Next Crisis by Eliminating Interest on Student Loan Debt?
By Ellen Brown, Truthout | News Analysis

One More SEC/Citigroup Sweetheart Deal – Five Reasons to Be Outraged
By Richard (RJ) Eskow, Campaign for America’s Future | News Analysis

Occupy Everywhere!
By OccupyDC

How Can We Rouse Police and Other Protectors of the Corporatocracy – “Guards” of the Status Quo – to Join the OWS Rebellion?
By Bruce E. Levine, AlterNet | Op-Ed

Tea Party to Businesses: “Stop Hiring!”
By Terrance Heath, Campaign for America’s Future | Report

Let Them Eat Keller
By Robert Scheer, Truthdig | Op-Ed

Laura Flanders’ Keynote Speech at Creative Time Summit: From Public Art to Occupy Wall Street
By Laura Flanders, GRITtv | Video

Citigroup Settles for $285 Million; No Wall Street Executive Jailed Yet
By Kevin G. Hall and Greg Gordon, McClatchy Newspapers | Report

On the News With Thom Hartmann: Bank of America Slapped With a Subpoena, and More
By Thom Hartmann, The Thom Hartmann Program | News Report

Which Bank Is the Worst for America? Five Behemoths That Hold Our Political System Hostage
By Sarah Jaffe and Joshua Holland, AlterNet | Op-Ed

Lincoln’s Lessons for Obama
By E.J. Dionne Jr. , The Washington Post Writers Group | Op-Ed

If the Greeks Can Shut Their Country Down, Why Can’t We?
By Eric Stoner, Waging Nonviolence | Op-Ed

Wall Street Firms Spy on Protestors in Tax-Funded Center
By Pam Martens, CounterPunch | News Analysis

NPR Gets Radio Host Fired for Occupying
By David Swanson, War Is A Crime | Report

Wall Street Is Dazed and Confused
By Jim Hightower, Truthout | Op-Ed

Framing Occupy Wall Street
By George Lakoff, Truthout | Op-Ed

Occupy Berlin: In the Shadow of the Reichstag
By Dina Rasor, Truthout | Solutions

Former Financial Regulator William Black: Occupy Wall Street a Counter to White-Collar Fraud
By Amy Goodman, Democracy Now! | Interview

Crunch Time for Occupy Wall Street
By Michael Nagler, Waging Nonviolence | Op-Ed

We Have a First Amendment Right to Protest, So Why All These Arrests Around Occupy Wall Street?
By Joshua Holland, AlterNet | Op-Ed

Activists in New York Target “Governor 1 Percent”: Cuomo Under Fire for Refusing to Extend Millionaire’s Tax
By Sarah Jaffe, AlterNet | Report

On the News With Thom Hartmann: Republicans Fight It Out in CNN-Hosted Debate, and More
By Thom Hartmann, The Thom Hartman Program | News Report

From Occupation to Liberation
By Randall Amster, New Clear Vision | Op-Ed

Thanks to the 99 Percent Movement, Media Finally Covering Jobs Crisis and Marginalizing Deficit Hysteria
By Zaid Jilani, ThinkProgress | News Analysis

Higher Taxes on the Working Poor and Middle Class? Why Conservatives Have Lost Their Minds, And the Public
By Bill Scher, Campaign for America’s Future | Op-Ed

On the News With Thom Hartmann: Republicans Fight It Out in CNN-Hosted Debate, and More
By Thom Hartmann, The Thom Hartman Program | News Report

Another Liberty Plaza Taken and Held Near Wall Street
By Nathan Schneider, Waging Nonviolence | Report

We, the 99 Percent, Demand a Totally Different Federal Budget
By David Swanson, War Is a Crime | Op-Ed

Madder At Washington Than Wall Street? Wall Street’s The Reason
By Isaiah J. Poole , Campaign for America’s Future | Op-Ed

Occupy Movement Heats Up US South
By Matthew Cardinale, Inter Press Service | Report

Former Financial Regulator William Black: Occupy Wall Street a Counter to White-Collar Fraud
By Amy Goodman, Democracy Now! | Interview

Voices From the Diaspora: Resistance and Community
By Kyung Jin Lee, National Radio Project | Interview

Walking Like an Egyptian: Food, Farming and Foreign Policy
By Robert Naiman, Truthout | Interview

Democrats and the Death of Keynesian Economics
By Michael Corcoran, Truthout | News Analysis

Occupy Chicago Grows, Looks for a Permanent Home
By Yana Kunichoff, Truthout | Report

Ed Schultz | Occupy Wall Street Goes Global
By Ed Schultz, The Ed Show | Video

Sounds of Outrage Heard on Wall Street
By Paul Krugman, Krugman & Co. | Op-Ed

The Occupy Windfall
By Eugene Robinson, The Washington Post Writers Group | Op-Ed

Over 1,000 Americans Have Been Arrested Protesting Wall Street, While Bankers Have Dodged Major Prosecutions
By Zaid Jilani, Think Progress | Report

Countless Grievances, One Thread: We’re Angry
By Marc Lacey, The New York Times News Service | Report

On the News With Thom Hartmann: International Monetary Fund Calls on Governments Around the World to Ditch Their Austerity Agendas, and More
By Thom Hartmann, The Thom Hartman Program | News Report

Letter to a Dead Man About the Occupation of Hope
By Rebecca Solnit, TomDispatch | Op-Ed

Rediscovering Civil Disobedience
By George Goehl, The Nation | Op-Ed

Resistance Is Patriotic
By Richard L. Fricker , The Oklahoma Observer | Op-Ed

Rediscovering Civil Disobedience
By George Goehl, The Nation | Op-Ed

Occupy Wall Street Speaks for America: A “Centrist” Hit Job’s Polling Data Helps Prove It
By Richard (RJ) Eskow, Campaign for America’s Future | News Analysis

Global Day of Rage: Hundreds of Thousands March Against Inequity, Big Banks, as Occupy Movement Grows
By Amy Goodman, Democracy NOW! | Report

Occupy Wall Street Protests March on Midtown, and the World
By Ben Case, Inter Press Service | Report

Argentina to Wall Street: Latin American Social Movements and the Occupation of Everything
By Benjamin Dangl, Truthout | Report

Terms of the Occupation
By J.A. Myerson, Truthout | Op-Ed

Occupy Wall Street Wins Converts, Flummoxes Cops on Global Day of Protest
By Nick Turse, AlterNet | Report

Occupy Wall Street Aims Ire at Foreclosures
By Ben Hallman and Michael Hudson, iWatch News | Report

Occupy Mike Bloomberg
By David Kempa, New American Media | Op-Ed

#OCCUPY Your Dreams
By Michael I. Niman, Art Voice | Op-Ed

Next Steps for the Occupy Movement
By Shamus Cooke, Veracity Voice | Op-Ed

On the News With Thom Hartmann: GOP Frontrunner Cain Admits His 9-9-9 Plan Would Raise Taxes on the Poor, and More
By Thom Hartmann, The Thom Hartmann Program | News Report

Protesters Debate What Demands, if Any, to Make
By Meredith Hoffman, The New York Times News Service | Report

Who Are the 1 Percent and What Do They Do for a Living?
By Mike Konczal, New Deal 2.0 | News Analysis

How Christian Fundamentalism Helped Empower the Top 1 Percent to Exploit the 99 Percent
By Frank Schaeffer, AlterNet | Op-Ed

All Hail the Unknown Organizer!
By Charles M. Young, This Can’t Be Happening | Op-Ed

A Movement Too Big to Fail
By Chris Hedges, Truthdig | Op-Ed

The Search for a Message
By Mary Elizabeth King, Waging Nonvilence | Op-Ed

Occupy Chicago Clarifies Its Mission
By Dawn Rhodes, McClatchy Newspapers | Report

The Other Occupation: How Wall Street Occupies Washington
By Zaid Jilani, ThinkProgress | News Analysis

Global 99 Percent Rally Worldwide in Solidarity With Occupy Wall Street
By Cara Buckley and Rachel Donadio, The New York Times News Service | Report

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