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Occupy Oakland!

(Photos: David Bacon)

Oakland, California – On October 10, 2011, hundreds of people met in Frank Ogawa Plaza in front of Oakland City Hall to join the nationwide protests that started in New York City with Occupy Wall Street.

Hundreds of people met in Frank Ogawa Plaza in front of Oakland City Hall to join the nationwide protests started in New York City with Occupy Wall Street. Hundreds of people met in Frank Ogawa Plaza in front of Oakland City Hall to join the nationwide protests started in New York City with Occupy Wall Street. Hundreds of people met in Frank Ogawa Plaza in front of Oakland City Hall to join the nationwide protests started in New York City with Occupy Wall Street. Hundreds of people met in Frank Ogawa Plaza in front of Oakland City Hall to join the nationwide protests started in New York City with Occupy Wall Street. Hundreds of people met in Frank Ogawa Plaza in front of Oakland City Hall to join the nationwide protests started in New York City with Occupy Wall Street. Hundreds of people met in Frank Ogawa Plaza in front of Oakland City Hall to join the nationwide protests started in New York City with Occupy Wall Street. Hundreds of people met in Frank Ogawa Plaza in front of Oakland City Hall to join the nationwide protests started in New York City with Occupy Wall Street. Hundreds of people met in Frank Ogawa Plaza in front of Oakland City Hall to join the nationwide protests started in New York City with Occupy Wall Street.


For more articles and images, see

See also Illegal People — How Globalization Creates Migration and Criminalizes Immigrants (Beacon Press, 2008)
Recipient: C.L.R. James Award, best book of 2007-2008

See also the photodocumentary on indigenous migration to the US
Communities Without Borders (Cornell University/ILR Press, 2006)

See also The Children of NAFTA, Labor Wars on the U.S./Mexico Border (University of California, 2004)


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